By sel2207 - 06/01/2009 03:27 - France

Today, I lent my brand new earrings to one of my friends. Everyone told her that they are pretty, and look really great on her. I've been wearing them for the last 3 weeks, and no one has ever mentioned them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 165
You deserved it 2 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cannothandle2nd 0

I say I want a cat, suddenly my sister wants one and everyone is all over her new cat obsession. I say I like this poem and suddenly it's on her myspace and everyone leaves comments saying where did she find it and what good taste she has. I let her borrow my favorite dress and she uses it in a damn myspace photo and she has twelve picture comments saying how gorgeous she looks in that dress. FML.


sunshinegirl_fml 0

Yeah, I was just gonna comment saying the same thing that #4 said.

cannothandle2nd 0

I say I want a cat, suddenly my sister wants one and everyone is all over her new cat obsession. I say I like this poem and suddenly it's on her myspace and everyone leaves comments saying where did she find it and what good taste she has. I let her borrow my favorite dress and she uses it in a damn myspace photo and she has twelve picture comments saying how gorgeous she looks in that dress. FML.

It could actually be just the differences between you two? Maybe she has shorter hair? Or is more social? Maybe she gives out more complements and draws more attention to herself then you do? You can't always have others make the first move. You have to be willing to receive, and someone DID in fact notice them and mention them, since your best friend is now wearing them.

I am amazed at how people try to make their stories more interesting by adding more descriptive words. Yet some are completely contradictory... You can't have 'brand new' earrings if you've been wearing them for 3 weeks. Learn to proofread before you post things on the internet. Such flaws in writing make you look like you have no grasp on the concept of "new". Which makes us question your intellectual capacity. Which, in turn, makes people laugh at your stupidity. Sorry for being rude but I'm just trying to help you for next time

IKickPuppiesHard 16

Man that sucks. Is your hair over ur ears all the time? I agree with the first 8 comments

Perhaps people compliment her because in her case it's out of the norm. If you're a "fashionista" and she isn't, maybe the compliments are a way for others to encourage her to do more for herself. Or maybe they just look better on her. Give them to her and get another pair that looks good on you. Anyway, this isn't an FML. This is whining.

get the **** over it, it's just earrings