By Anonymous - 04/12/2013 04:02 - United States

Today, I covered a 10-hour shift for a sick coworker. Glad to earn some extra money for the holidays, I went to clock out. I hadn't even clocked in when I first got there at 7 am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 990
You deserved it 16 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

StompinOnCrayons 15

Well, good job anyway ? Explain it to your boss or check the CCTV

just tell your supervisor. no biggie. happens all the time!


catanita 18

And this problem can not be fixed? The shift manager can't solve it ?

MermaidAnnariea 10

my managers have to punch me in like once a week because i forget so often. how is this an fml?

adam_tajyar 10

Your boss can fix your punches for you when they do the payroll

doesn't your work have punch in correction sheets?

that's what the government wants you to think

Yeah, this shouldn't even be an issue. The people that voted your FML in have probably never had a job before. This happens all the time, just tell your manager/supervisor and they'll punch you in manually.

Hopefully there is camera footage or other co-workers who can vouch for the fact that you arrived when you say you did.

If there's upward mobility where you work, get a promotion and then pay yourself haha

You don't have to clock out and in at lunch time?

KareBear7364 5

I would cry...but hopefully you still get paid!