By Anonymous - 04/12/2013 04:02 - United States

Today, I covered a 10-hour shift for a sick coworker. Glad to earn some extra money for the holidays, I went to clock out. I hadn't even clocked in when I first got there at 7 am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 990
You deserved it 16 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

StompinOnCrayons 15

Well, good job anyway ? Explain it to your boss or check the CCTV

just tell your supervisor. no biggie. happens all the time!


rita91 5

Why don't you explain it your boss see if they can adjust your time

I did that once...had to talk to the lady that does the accounting & let her & my supervisor know what time I came in & left (12 hr shift) all worked out though

just tell your boss. I've done that before and they fixed it for me

Kudos to you for going to work that early! I always had to work nights, I'm not a morning person at all!

Lili_love 14

I've done that a few times. Just inform your supervisor or MOD and they should be able to fix the time in the computer, assuming they knew you were there

Just explain to your boss what happend and have them check the cameras to validate your not lying.


just clock out they can fix it