By anonymous - 13/02/2012 11:32 - United States

Today, I cracked a rib coughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 195
You deserved it 2 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Somebody didn't drink their milk when they were younger

RedPillSucks 31

If your bones are that brittle, this may be a sign of something else. You need to see a doctor ASAP and not just for the broken rib.


I did that almost 3 weeks ago. Just starting to feel better.

dabomb1463 0

How the hell do you cough that bad that you break a rib ?

gene818 13

I always wondered if that could happen... FYL

bigtaytay 13

I feel your pain. I once pulled a back muscle sneezing

I've slipped a rib doing that before....hurts like hell. You have my sympathies!

Ya I broke a rib once by painting my nails, then the other time I broke a rib by a sneeze...

How do you possibly break a rib from painting your nails lol??