By blkchkrm - 25/12/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, I decided I was going to do something nice for my parents for Christmas. So, I cleaned the entire house top to bottom, baked cookies, and made them both Christmas cards. What did I get in return? They asked me to wrap my four year old sister's presents, and let me know I got nothing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 925
You deserved it 2 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

russianspy1234 11

sell her present on ebay instead?

lesab734 0

You definetely did not deserve that. Kinda sad to hear you did all that, but didn't receive the tiniest bit of gratitude. merrr Christmas though!!?!!


I felt sorry for you not making fun or anything Seriously i put myself in your shoes.....:(

this is such bull. there are no nonalcholicic parents this terrible this Is just sick and wrong if it's true

SuperSeriouslyFM 0

And the gift of giving just keeps on giving...especially if you're a 4-year-old. FYL!

I would leave the house and stay at a friend's.

varkey 7

I hope you didn't wrap your sister's presents (because of your parents being jerks, not your sister.) FYL

varkey 7

I really hope you didn't actually wrap the presents (because your parents are jerks, not because of your sister.) FYL

"Today, I decided I was going to do something nice for my parents for Christmas." "so Santa would see and not hold it against me for being such a jerk to them for years."