By blkchkrm - 25/12/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, I decided I was going to do something nice for my parents for Christmas. So, I cleaned the entire house top to bottom, baked cookies, and made them both Christmas cards. What did I get in return? They asked me to wrap my four year old sister's presents, and let me know I got nothing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 925
You deserved it 2 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

russianspy1234 11

sell her present on ebay instead?

lesab734 0

You definetely did not deserve that. Kinda sad to hear you did all that, but didn't receive the tiniest bit of gratitude. merrr Christmas though!!?!!


Cerauno 0

I would have walked out the door, right there. That they couldn't even muster up a 'thank you' is what really gets me.

sciu 0

Maybe they should get you a nice, shiny new job?

I don't even understand how parents can be so messed up when it comes to these sort of things...

habesjn 0

Do something for the sake of giving, not because you expect something in return. I swear to god, people are so selfish nowadays. I enjoy seeing people happy that I gave them a present, that's all you should expect in return. Selfish bitch.

boatkicker 4

So you wouldn't want to be thanked for this? It wasn't just that they didn't give her anything. It's that they didn't give her anything, didn't thank her for doing things, AND expected her to do more for them.

alliesolovely 0

woooow. you are rude. why dont youi put yourself into some of these situations and see how you would feel. and believe it or not, everyones selfish. its a natural human tendency and it cant be avoided. so dont give the stinkin miss america response of "world peace, i love giving blah blah blah" when you like everyone else in the world is selfish.

alliesolovely 0
gracieroxursox 3

wow, #38, you're the bitch! I can't believe you would say something like that. How do you think that you would feel? It's not that she didn't get anything, it's the fact that she feels unnapreciated, and getting nothing kinda sends the message that they didn't care enough to get you something. Like they say, it's the thought that counts, but if there is no gift then there was no thought was there?

Exactly. OP is claims that she wanted to do something 'nice', but it doesn't mean shit if she expects something back.

Does no good deed go unpunished? Well, you could just stop being nice and let yourself "deserve" the way you're treated instead. Not giving respect where none is received doesn't necessarily sound like a bad idea, so long as it's explicitly known that's why they're not getting any. It's called "quid pro quo." Look into it.

thats what you get for sucking up to them on Christmas eve. youre probably a jerk the rest of the year.

now you know not to get them jack next year. get them all pajamas or something cheap and get yourself something nice. since you have a job they think you have your own money and dont need them any more. so use your own money to buy yourself a mobile phone and new shoes. eff them. id be pissed. but now you know for next time.

that's not really what x-mas is about anyways