By anonymous - 05/05/2015 06:42 - United States - Lakeland

Today, I decided it was time to start looking for my own place and finally gain my full independence. My mom agreed happily without hesitation, which was surprising, but not anywhere near as surprising as finding out I have one day to get my shit together and leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 455
You deserved it 3 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, then get your shit together.

I wonder if she was planning on kicking you out, that's a bit ironic..


ouch! that's harsh. I'm trying to do the same thing but thankfully I'm being given some time. hopefully it works out and your mom knows you need more than just a day. good luck!

That sucks OP. Try to talk her into needing more time to get a place to live. Get her involved in the search so she sees how hard it is to find a place. If you can't find an apartment today and she still wants you out look onto an extended stay motel (one with a kitchenett to save $$) for a brief stay. Some are cheeper than others. I'm sorry she is being a jerk.

Damn that's cold op.. Unless ur one of those 35 year old guys still living in ur parents basement lol

magickiss87 22

That sucks! I was given an hour to get shit together and leave or my mother would have called the cops to escort me out. (I was accused of being stoned when I wasn't so since wouldn't admit to it - bc I wasn't- she wanted me gone) Sounds to me that much like my mother, your mother is a bitch too. If she really doesn't want you there, then she's most likely a toxic person to be around and you're better off without her. Try contacting the people you know to find a temporary place to stay if you can't get your mom to understand it takes time to find an apartment etc. Wish you the best of luck, Op!

Lol someone went a little too overboard on their excitement xD

can't kick you out for thirty days and an eviction notice

That only applies to landlords, not parents letting their adult children live with them for free.

Depends on the state. The cops told me that if they have established residency (which means they have to have spent two weeks at the premises, they can establish residency) you need an eviction notice. It depends on the state how long it takes to establish residency and how many days they have. This is also extended to parents kicking out their adult children.

33, you're totally right. OP's mother sounds like a narcissist. The fact the OP was surprised that his mother "took it well" hints that she's probably pretty controlling and self-centered

randomheartthrob 7

Cutting contact for a couple months isn't bad and could be healthy and good for him. It could also help the mother realize she's gonna lose him forever and could help.

It's actually illegal to kick you out with only one day's notice.

Yeah not unless he has a proper tenancy agreement with his mother, which is unlikely. Under normal circumstances, assuming you're a legal adult your parents can kick you out whenever the hell they want.