By anonymous - 05/05/2015 06:42 - United States - Lakeland

Today, I decided it was time to start looking for my own place and finally gain my full independence. My mom agreed happily without hesitation, which was surprising, but not anywhere near as surprising as finding out I have one day to get my shit together and leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 455
You deserved it 3 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, then get your shit together.

I wonder if she was planning on kicking you out, that's a bit ironic..


Seems that she is more excited than you are

seems like she was more ready than you were

Don't understand this American custom. ..I'm American

Come on you got this! show her what you're made of!

Cutting contact is harsh, but it might be a good idea at first to leave a cool down period. If OP's mom doesn't change her mind and sends OP out onto the street, that's not okay and it's not a misunderstanding. It's cruel and vindictive.

Yeah because you can totally settle on an apartment and be ready to move in within a day. Impractical.