By anonymous - 05/05/2015 06:42 - United States - Lakeland

Today, I decided it was time to start looking for my own place and finally gain my full independence. My mom agreed happily without hesitation, which was surprising, but not anywhere near as surprising as finding out I have one day to get my shit together and leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 455
You deserved it 3 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, then get your shit together.

I wonder if she was planning on kicking you out, that's a bit ironic..


Goblin182 26

I don't think Mom is taking it as well as you thought.

OP needs 30 days only if they were a legal tenant, had a contract, and paid rent.

cami2018 6

Yeah that's not cool, you should talk to her? But only when you are about to leave, so that you don't get kicked out earlier.

In some states, even if you don't pay rent, you cannot be banned from premises. You may have legal 30 days to vacate. Consult a layer in your state.

Legally she has to evict you and has to give 2 weeks notice.

Agree with #7. pack up your stuff and see if any friends can put you up in the mean time until you can find your own place. And agree with cutting ties with your Mom. If she is so keen to kick you out, the stuff her. Enjoy your freedom.

33, were you there to witness the conversation or connotations? Absolutely not. If your first action is to go to the extreme and just cut people out based on a short FML, I can't imagine you have many friends.

ChopSuey444 20

So, #49, you don't consider it extreme to give OP one day to leave? That's what loving parents do?

if youre in school legally she cant throw you out. even still, she has to give you a legalized 30 day notice signed by a judge. and if she tries to throw your stuff out or change the locks, you can have her arrested. your pretty safe op

I was gonna say this but you beat me to it. My mother has been threatening me to kick me out and when I tell her she has to LEGALLY evict me she doesn't believe me, even AFTER I show her proof of the law... Good Luck OP