By ScorpioQueen - 21/09/2009 23:34 - United States

Today, I decided not to park in the parking garage on campus, in an attempt to save the $8 it would have cost me. Instead, I parked in a surface lot (about a mile away) and got a $50 parking ticket for not having a permit to park there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 500
You deserved it 43 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There must have been signs that said "Permit Only".

that stuff happens. next time just make sure you look for the signs.


birds_fml 7

What, you didn't notice that it was a permit only lot? Or do you think that all lots are free? YDI. I park an extra mile from my school when our lot is full, because I don't want to have to pay for a meter and that's how far you have to go to find street parking that's free. I made sure to check all the signs first, to make sure it's legal parking. Learn to read.

HeyyTonie 0

That really does suck ): Where do you go, Stony Brook?? They have really stupid parking rules.

I went to Stony Brook, and yes, they do have a lot of stupid parking rules. Like by Roosevelt Quad, if you could find parking in the parallel parking along the road, then you didn't have to buy a permit. But every other lot you had to buy a permit.

Here in Toronto (Canada), lawfully, you don't have to pay the "ticket" if it is issued by the private parking lot (instead of a parking inspector employed by the city). I suppose there should be similar laws elsewhere. You probably shouldn't drive if you don't want to pay for parking though. There's no such thing as free parking in large cities...

Darkcloud_fml 0

Mmm... Stonybrook? because if not the same thing happened to me there. Painful

mmmmallory 0

I was on the fence about whether to press YDI or I agree but since your name is scorpioqueen I'm gonna have to go with YDI.

That's a fascinating story, OP. In the future, if you don't have a parking permit just park in the lot closest to campus. You'll get a ticket anyway.

Well rent and food and water and power comes first. Who has money for school after bills except rich kids or strippers/prostitutes??? But like Sam Cooke sang: A change Aka revolution will come and I doubt it will be televised!!!!

uranignrntpcofsh 0

thats a stupid comment seein as there is financial aid and student loans (which you can get even if u have no money) which you can pay off when you graduate without the help of ur parents because of the great job your going to have cuz of that college degree. And actually room and board (which covers food, water, rent) is about as expense as what u would pay for a really bad apartment and what u would spend on food. And community college is like 1500 bucks you idiot.

ew $8 every day to park? thats ridiculous to charge someone who is just trying to to go to school (im asuming). i meam we have to get parking passes. but their only $20 a calender year.

My undergrad college charged $300 a quarter to park--$8 a day sounds lovely.

$8 a day works out to be more than $300 per quarter if you assume a standard 180 day school year.