By Anonymous - 30/12/2009 08:23 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Andre - 29/07/2010 10:56 - United States
By Roxas - 14/02/2011 05:20 - United States
Thanks, I hate it
By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 02:34 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/10/2010 19:22 - United States
By jam - 11/02/2012 07:03 - Australia
By occam's pube-razor - 05/09/2015 04:26 - United States - Buena Vista
By carssuck - 02/02/2012 10:28 - United States
Pipe down, Whitney
By Anonymous - 28/01/2023 10:00 - United States - Birmingham
By avalanche719 - 26/08/2010 15:09 - United States
The popo
By Anonymous - 03/09/2022 18:30
Top comments
Ummmm, wouldn't you kind of assume anything too close to the front would be handicapped? I, personally, would have been searching out a sign. Plus, didn't you see it when you walked up to the building?
you deserve it for bein lazy
Any of them could be handicapped and it was snowing so he was probably hurrying in and didn't notice it.
Take good pictures and challenge the ticket.
You can sell the ticket on the net.
+1 on the pictures. The judge might be reasonable. And #1, it's not always that easy. The local grocery store here has handicapped parking around the side of the building. The spots directly in front of the doors are standard parking. Don't know why, but that's how it is.
Right, but you go there enough to know where they are. I think it's a reasonable assumption that if they parked that close to the building (as the sign was 20 ft in front of the car on the building), they would be going into that building. Therefore, wouldn't they have seen the sign when they got closer? The person probably thought, "**** it, no one's going to give me a ticket in the *time frame* that I'm inside."
take pics and fight the ticket but get them before the snow is cleared away
I would challenge the ticket ther etoo. There are often close parking spots that are non-handicap. For example, maybe the first "row" of cars holds four handicap spots and the fifth one was for the general public. Not knowing that because of the snow was not your fault, you made a reasonable assumption That, and if a person who had a disability had to park on snow like that, they could have fallen on their ass. Definitely challenge the ticket and bring up the fact they weren't keeping it safe to begin with. Good luck!
Tough one. Mind you, the prime spots (handicapped) are usually nearest to the building's entrance, so maybe you should have taken the time to look around for the sign, which as you say was 20 feet away (that's pretty close if it's directly in front of the parking spot). If people used snow as an excuse, than I guess I can park next to fire hydrants every time there's a blizzard or drive down the diamond lane because the plow hasn't been through. So, having said that, I suppose you deserved the ticket.
Snow covered the parking space, obscuring the painted-on handicapped symbol. FYL. Snow did not cover the sign affixed to the wall of the building 20 feet in front of said parking space, directly in your line of vision. YDI (unless you have terrible, TERRIBLE eyesight(. It could be excusable if you'd just said that snow covered the space, thus you didn't realize it was restricted. But there was a secondary sign on the building, presumably for just this sort of occasion. I don't think you'd be able to fight that ticket, given that you DID see the sign on the building.
"(unless you have terrible, TERRIBLE eyesight(." If that were the case, the OP wouldn't be able to drive.
Just because one is not allowed to drive doesn't mean one will not drive. Especially in the States. We have half-blind assholes all over the roads.

Take good pictures and challenge the ticket.
I would challenge the ticket ther etoo. There are often close parking spots that are non-handicap. For example, maybe the first "row" of cars holds four handicap spots and the fifth one was for the general public. Not knowing that because of the snow was not your fault, you made a reasonable assumption That, and if a person who had a disability had to park on snow like that, they could have fallen on their ass. Definitely challenge the ticket and bring up the fact they weren't keeping it safe to begin with. Good luck!