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By DinoRexaurus - 12/12/2017 15:00

Today, I asked my art teacher why she gave me a 10 on a project, thinking it might’ve been a mistake. She told me I deserved it since I laughed while presenting. My friend got an 80 and he didn’t even present. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 679
You deserved it 321

AlyCo55 tells us more.

AlyCo55 12

i’m the op, lost my account, my friend finished his in 5 seconds he didn’t try in the slightest, not to mention it’s also a requirement to present

Top comments

I understand why you laughed, your art class sounds like a joke

PhantomCrevan 8

Take it up with the Head of the department, or with the Dean of they are the head of department- get your friend to come with you. Man, teachers that abuse their authority because being in a position of power flyers their rocks off need to be blacklisted. Or have a shock collar that shocks them every time they try to abuse their power.


PhantomCrevan 8

Take it up with the Head of the department, or with the Dean of they are the head of department- get your friend to come with you. Man, teachers that abuse their authority because being in a position of power flyers their rocks off need to be blacklisted. Or have a shock collar that shocks them every time they try to abuse their power.

I think your “art” was such a joke that she gave you 10 bonus points for having a sense of humor about your absurd pile of crap!

I understand why you laughed, your art class sounds like a joke

Make your Van Gogh down the Rodin offer her some Monet to make your piece a top Picasso you can pass the class.

PenguinPal3017 19

At first I thought that you got a 10/10. I can't imagine giving someone 10% on something. I always got near perfect grades and once I got like 5/10 on an assignment in like fifth grade. It was to design a cover for a sequel to an existing book. That was nearly 20 years ago and I still think my cover is awesome.

so Tl; dear, you're amazing? What are you saying other than bragging?

it really doesn't matter what your friend did. that has nothing to do with your grade.

AlyCo55 12

i’m the op, lost my account, my friend finished his in 5 seconds he didn’t try in the slightest, not to mention it’s also a requirement to present

Lobby_Bee 17

She felt you deserved a 10 and there is nothing you can do about it. Isn't art all about your feelings and emotions?

Honestly, if you were to do a presentation in an employed scenario, and you kept laughing like a maniac for no reason whatsoever, you might actually lose your job. If the project was to present something you've written/drawn, then act professionally. School sets, you up for a real life dude. Your friend got 80, he lost 20 because he didn't present whatever it was that he worked on. Don't be a little bitch and complain about it, because in real life you won't be able to go running to the "head of the department" or "dean" to SJW your way into not being reprimanded for a crappy job you did

AlyCo55 12

i’m the op, it was just a little giggle because people in the class were laughing...