By SeeTony - 19/11/2009 07:33 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Monkey253100 - 03/06/2012 14:47 - France
By Anonymous - 19/03/2013 19:35 - United States - Calexico
By mikki bee - 30/12/2014 17:24 - United States - Reno
Shelved plans
By twobyfour - 15/10/2019 12:00
By Anonymous - 22/08/2019 17:00 - United Kingdom - Poole
By Ouchie - 07/10/2016 12:51 - Ireland - Celbridge
By TommyNoFeet - 04/12/2017 06:00
Breaking news
By Anonymous - 23/11/2024 20:00 - United States
I'm fine, this is fine
By Anonymous - 28/10/2024 09:00 - United States
Healthy life goals
By cuz803 - 07/04/2023 14:00
Top comments
I read FML occasionally but reading peoples comments to this made me make an account just so I could send you a message. Getting yourself up to exercise is half the battle. Don't be discouraged. Keep it simple, and something you can stick to, you will feel healthier and better about yourself! Be glad you got up to do it, and just watch out next time...maybe find a track :) It took me a long time to start exercising regularly, but once you truly get into the habit, it feels weird Not to! Everyone says it takes time, and they're right, but it's worth it, and you are worth it! All the people being so negative and rude, yes FML is meant to be funny but some people feel the need to write things that truly upset them here to get it out or hear that other people understand. If you don't like it, skip it. For all you know this person is the most obese person in the world whose life was completely different than yours and had nowhere else to turn. Or they might be tiny or average weight and are upset about a few pounds and are exaggerating because they have a horribly skewed self image, a common problem in our society, how do you know? Think about the messages you send to other people, and imagine saying it to their face. If you can honestly imagine yourself saying it to their face, then I feel bad for you too. And in case you were wondering, no, I am not fat. I just have a heart and think it's nice when people try not to be horribly rude or mean once in a while. Thanks for only making it a worse world to live in. I'm glad you are in shape and have nothing better to do with your time than get on FML and put down people you don't know and have never done anything to you. ;-) You must be so satisfied with your life. Now I'm going to stop wasting my life sending a message to people I know will never truly hear it.
**** or GTFO
#77 u hav inspired me 2 exercise now. i feel like u touched me with ur kindness, and i think the OP will take ur advice 2. OP i feel so sry 4 and dont listen 2 the ppl tellintg u ur fat or that its a sign, listen 2 #77 and dobnt let it get u down.
it's a sign
was it your mom?

Mr. Yeah? Did you help him up?
Who tripped and broke their ankle? ... Tell me, mother****er. TELL ME. THE SUSPENSE IS GONNA ****ING KILL ME.