By Shiva - 18/03/2014 08:46 - France - Niort

Today, I decided to clean my apartment from top to bottom. Once I was done, I looked over at my puppy, who then woke up, stretched, got out of his basket and started to pee. I shouted, "No!" Scared, he then ran all over the place, still peeing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 474
You deserved it 96

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Actually OP might have preferred that over peeing because its easier to clean up. Also if its carpet the pee smell is hard to get rid of and the puppy will want to pee there again.


And that's why apartments have pet deposits.

This is why I always crate train puppies. Play with them, feed them, take them out to pee, then place them in the crate to nap. Two or three hours later, take them out to pee straight away, play with them to wear them out, and just before nap time, take them out to pee. Rinse and repeat. And to anyone who says crate training is cruel - it isn't. Crate time is basically baby in the crib nap time. If you do it right, then it's a *good* process, but if you do it wrong and the puppy spends his time in there 24/7, then it becomes cruel. Puppies take parental type dedication.

That's why I'm glad I don't have animals anymore and will not ever have another.

What a pain .. But that's a life of owning an animal

Fr0gs 15

Why would you ever yell at your dog How dare you

YDI!! Any dog owner know when you have a puppy you put them outside the second they wake up.

What the hell did you expect to happen when you yelled? Honestly, nothing processed that yelling would scare the pup more and lead to piss going everywhere?

Puppies need to pee when they first wake up. No point yelling about it either. He doesn't know why you are yelling or chasing him. Humans are nuts and they have this strange reaction to urination and defecation. Next time you see him stir just pick him up and take him outside before he has a chance to get out of bed himself. Or crate training.