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By Operation Yewtree here I come - 26/09/2014 20:40 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was sitting on a bench at the local park, eating a banana. A guy old enough to be my grandfather walked by, turned to look at me, then said "Young man, I wish I were that banana." He walked away, and I almost blacked out choking on it in shock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 372
You deserved it 4 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'll bet he was disappointed when you started gagging because you couldn't handle it.


Let's hope he was pranking you and is on the show, Off their rockers.

This old person was pretty gross and rude.

old people just tend to speak their mind. sometimes you end up with cool story's or good advice, and sometimes you end up with sexual comments about fruit.

mikaellikestacos 14

What if he was actually saying he wants to be eaten o.o


#53, exactly my first thought. Eww >.

jmdnba097 12

What if he is saying wants to literally be the banana, whose existence will be ending, because his is 100% done with life

old people just dont give a **** anymore.

I'll bet he was disappointed when you started gagging because you couldn't handle it.

i dont know, some people fantasize about their partner gagging on their dick. whatever floats your boat.

RedPillSucks 31

Don't know why the down vote. I thought it was pretty funny

Maybe because if he were disappointed he wouldn't wish he was that banana?

Oh yeah, people would so like to hear OP say: "yeah, there was a time when I was in the park and I was eating a banana when an old dude came and told me that he wished he was the banana!" That's a funny story to tell!

Kevlar_burrito 6

That's the entire point of FML. you think things through before you type the? or do you just mash your keypad and hope for the best?

Shoulda stared him in the eyes and bit the banana in half...

isabelf 17

I think he was a little too busy choking to do that...

SarahSehhati 40

Yes! The best way get revenge on the old folks is to go along with their game! but doing better!

Pstraka6 20

What does one even say to that? Forget that even happened

kyu_Q 19

Don't you just love old people? They can get away with saying anything lol

Actually the same thing happened to me but with my brother. I was eating a Popsicle at a beach party. And my drunk brother came up to me and said "I wish my dick was that Popsicle, because you're looking fine girl" and winked at me. He never realized it was me

Ha. That's funny and sad at the same time. Did you ever manage to see him in the eye again?

#12: That's gotta do some weird shit to your sibling relationship, yeah?

and I guess you will never eat a banana again....

People at work will find him hiding in the bathroom stalls eating his lunch.