By Brunette, small breasts - 24/07/2016 18:51 - Romania - Campina

Today, I decided to finally talk to my crush. I said, "Hello" to which he replied, "First, dye your hair blonde and grow some boobs, then we can talk business." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 033
You deserved it 1 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an ass. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there.

You are so lucky! Now you know what he is all about and you can avoid him. If someone is just after appearance, they will always find something that needs to be fixed. The ones I feel sorry for are the blondes with a full bust. He might be nice around them at first so they may not realize what an asshole he is!


What a charmer. This dude needs to grow a personality. Sorry to have your dreams shattered--it sucks to find out that your crush is such a putz--but hopefully you didn't waste too much time crushing on him.

Guys who act like that are usually packing a gherkin so you definitely dodged a bullet there Plus he sounds like the type to berate the shit out of you for daring to gain a pound. Hopefully there is a sweeter more crushworthy dude in your future.

love all the people calling him an ass but if the situation was reversed and a girl told a guy to grow a few inches and a beard theyd be praising her for being so upfront and knowing what she wants

So he just assumed that was why you were talking to him?

that's not an FML, you really got lucky. He's a complete jerk that would have used you for your body.

At least you won't have to deal with heartbreak because he'll probably cheat on whoever he's with next. These are the morons that give men a bad name.

Here we see the not so rare asshole. little does he know he is insignificant to almost everything