By Anonymous - 10/09/2011 06:35 - United States

Today, I decided to formally introduce my girlfriend to my parents. My dad took the opportunity to apologize for walking in on us a few days ago while we were having sex. It wasn't her. Thanks dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 362
You deserved it 275 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments


This dosent mean he cheated on his girlfriend. He probably had sex with a random girl, and started a relationship a few days later. Does anyone else see how this makes sense.

Holy_Schnikes 23

Okay so if that was the case that would mean he likes having sex with girls... which isn't a bad thing but in this case it would be because that would mean that he had sex with a girl then turned around and is now with another chick. Either way he is still a dick for using girls.

Why_me499 21

generally I find that people don't introduce their significant others to their parents within the first few days of dating. plus, why would this be an Fml if he wasn't being caught cheating?

Dude, that's just wrong. Whatever your not worth it!

You shouldn't have been ******* some other girl. Sleezeball.

I seriously hate boys like you ... disgusting

fez667 0

way to go... if your gonna date a chick bro keep the sex with her only guys like that give the rest of us a bad name