By Anonymous - 10/09/2011 06:35 - United States

Today, I decided to formally introduce my girlfriend to my parents. My dad took the opportunity to apologize for walking in on us a few days ago while we were having sex. It wasn't her. Thanks dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 362
You deserved it 275 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sparkiee93 3

You deserve it more then any other FML on this site asshollle

kristinmarie178 2

1point daddy, 0points jackass

I hope she kicked you in the balls and then dumped your cheating ass

That's what you get, you cheating asshole! I truly hope your penis turns black and falls right off. Same goes to 346... Dumbass.

Why_me499 21

what did 346 say? I can't find the comment

You deserved it! It's your fault it wasnt her but your dad was nice to apologize.

OP never said it was an explicitly monogamous relationship. You cant assume its the default for everyone. Anyone who assumes that they are in a monogamous relationship without confirming it explicitly, YDI.