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By Anonymous - 30/03/2009 06:10 - United States

Today, I volunteered at a nursing home. I approached a lonely, old man who had a type of nervous tick. I went over to speak to him, and not even four sentences into our conversation he says, "I'd really like to make love to you." What I thought was a tick was actually him stroking himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 554
You deserved it 4 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

altkat 3

At least you have the satisfaction of knowing that creepy old men have the hots for you. Congratulations.

crazy_cat_lady 0

Haha something similar happened to me! I was working for a podiatrist that visits nursing homes, and I had to kneel down on the floor to take off a patient's shoes and socks. I heard the patient breathing harder and harder, so I stood up, afraid that he was having a heart attack or a stroke or something. Then I saw his hard on, and realized he had just been staring down my scrub top. Old men are so perverted!


Unre4l 0

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Haha I second #1 Also... FML is not really working properly right now, it's kind of annoying

NotxxLucky 0

What a ******* creep hahaha

Revan_fml 0
bizarre_ftw 21

Anyone else on here thinking daddy issues?! :D

altkat 3

At least you have the satisfaction of knowing that creepy old men have the hots for you. Congratulations.