By Shanarie - 05/10/2015 15:40 - United States
Shanarie tells us more.
OP here. I made an account just to respond to you guys! I live in the country, so I figured making a small clothes line for just my dress wouldn't be a problem.I guess it was just bad timing.The dog was an abandoned pet that was malnourished. Im a shelter volunteer, so we took him to a good home. :)
Top comments
Have you still got the receipt!?!?.... ?
Thank you for being a good person and taking care of the dog.
To clarify, the shelter I volunteer at is a NO KILL SHELTER. Even if I had taken him to the shelter, which I didn't because he's with a loving family, he would have been safe from harm.
At least it wasn't an expensive cocktail dress on the plus side
that's what you get for a buying a dress that costs 200 dollars and b putting it outside. you could have just left it in the bathroom with the vent running.
Dogs are assholes
Was it red? Flapping in the wind, like a matador flag?
I have a dark sense of humor but that's a little much