By iamamermaid - 20/01/2015 06:14 - United States - Hemet

Today, I decided to use an at-home waxing kit for the first time to get rid of the hair on my upper lip. After experiencing the trauma of waxing, I fell asleep. A few hours later, I woke up to see that I now have acne everywhere I had waxed. I have an acne mustache. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 030
You deserved it 4 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

llamarrama01 21

Leaving the hair would've shaved you the embarrassment.


Maybe your skin is just irritated. Try some aloe vera.

whale_fail44 13

that has happened to me in the past. I found that using baby powder before waxing helped a little. And it didn't hurt as bad :)

That happens because when you wax the hair, you pull out the root as well and so the pore is left open and it gets clogged easier. I wax my upper lip & that happens to me as well but after a while my skin clears up. Just wash your face regularly and everything will go back to normal :)

askullnamedbilly 33

If you have small red dots where your hair used to be, that's actually pretty normal and they should be gone by tomorrow. If your skin is really irritated, swollen and looks like actual acne, it might be too sensitive for a method as harsh as pulling the hair out by its roots. Try shaving, the whole 'your hair will grow back darker and thicker' thing is a myth anyway.

If her upper lip doesn't like waxing (assuming she used face-specific wax!) it's likely shaving could irritate it too! While it doesn't actually thicken the hair it does make the tips blunter so you get that lovely stubbley feeling. There's plenty of different methods to try though.

You could have your upper lip threaded.

Happened to me only once and was because of the wax brand. I don't know why it happened, but I changed brands and never happened again.

It should fade in a bit if you let your skin rest, just be glad you didn't decide to do a test patch in the 'hitler' area instead!

Maybe it was a reaction and your allergic to the wax? I had my legs waxed once and I broke out in hives everywhere they waxed. Didn't know before hand. Now I get laser done. Much nicer :)

I was about to say the same thing... I had a major allergic reaction to wax and had to go on steroids to make it go away. A good option for your face is threading- I do that... A lot faster than tweeting, gets ALL the little hairs, actually gets more hair than waxing. No reactions because no products are used... BIG fan of threading

Are you sure they're not just hives? Could be an allergic reaction to something with the waxing kit. Either way, that's not very fun to deal with

I just use some little scissors on mine. But mine is thin and blonde so that may or may not work for you