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By EyesofStone - 01/06/2016 01:03 - United States

Today, I decided to work on my social anxiety by ordering some food. I waited in line, practicing my order in my head all the way. When I got to the front, I said my order with no mistakes. The cashier just stared blankly at me until I mumbled, "Never mind..." and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 190
You deserved it 1 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww. I know it's really difficult to do something like that with social anxiety. Keep at it! You can do it. You should be proud of yourself for trying and getting that far!

Hey, you still went up and talked to the guy? That's something to be pretty proud of in my opinion, congrats OP


Aww. I know it's really difficult to do something like that with social anxiety. Keep at it! You can do it. You should be proud of yourself for trying and getting that far!

MikaykayUnicorn 36

I have S.A.D as well OP and it's awful. You did good. It takes some work. You might want to talk to a doctor about prescribing you some medication or setting you up with a therapist, because those might be able to help you. It's a very hard disorder to overcome on your own, so don't be disappointed if you didn't do perfectly your first try. You'll get there.

Bekkah_Kathryn_ 15

Huge congrats on being able to get up there & order it! Baby steps, op. Hopefully next time you can complete your order ☺️

Hey, you still went up and talked to the guy? That's something to be pretty proud of in my opinion, congrats OP

At least you took initiative to help yourself and worked on it! May seem small but it's a huge accomplishment already!

Congratulations on getting that far, hopefully it gives you the confidence you need next time. Just remember, there are lots of people just as nervous as you out there, some are just better at hiding it. With practice, you could be one of those people. The term "Fake it 'til you make it" comes to mind for your confidence issue!

What did you say to them exactly? Maybe you said it too fast?

notabanana 8

next time the cashier looks at you like that just be like "bitch what?"

Ah, I wish it were that easy. I also suffer from social anxiety and I always tell myself that it should be just that easy, but it never is. I've been working on it for years, and OP just made a great step however. No matter how difficult it is you always have to give it a shot.

DeadxManxWalking 27

proud of you OP, you tried and you succeeded! (to a degree) keep practicing

I know exactly how that felt for you. The cashier was a jerk. They should have asked you to repeat yourself instead of just staring. Don't let this discourage you. Take the time you need to recover and try again. I promise it will get better.

What a shit cashier shouldn't they ask you to repeat what you said rather than staring at u