By obtuse_ballsack - 04/06/2012 20:37 - Croatia - Zagreb

Today, I desperately needed to pee, but my mom was in the bathroom taking a shower, so I waited patiently until she finished. Just as I was about to go in, my half-naked dad rushed ahead, said "Going somewhere, son?" and shut the door on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 724
You deserved it 2 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nightowl713 25

Well, while it may not be ideal, your a guy do you could always pee outside right?

That sucks, if only you had another bathroom


trollolol95 4

Well, while he's in the shower nonchalantly make it your convenience to bust in and flush the toilet while turning on every water faucet in the house..:)

You're a guy, go pee in the kitchen sink or something. Just wash it after you're done. ;)

I'd go piss on your dad's bed, that was a jerkish move on his part

PainIsAVirtue 4

Ask a neighbor! Or you could always go in the bushes:)

Piss in a coffee mug then offer to make coffee for him that should do the trick!!

I'd go in afte he got in the shower, that way when I flush he'll know I was pissed. >:D

Go piss on their bed bet they'll never do that again.or in yur dads shoe