By Anonymous - 21/12/2013 23:29 - United States - Ypsilanti

Today, I did the "walk of shame" sixteen blocks. It wouldn't have been so bad if the sidewalks and streets weren't completely covered in ice. Somewhere along the way I lost what little dignity I had left, along with my left shoe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 901
You deserved it 12 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HFM15 5

its not the walk of shame, its "the got laid parade"

At least it was the walk of shame, not the march of the socially awkward penguin


Whatever caused that walk will be resolved..and whatever caused that walk if it happens again hope it happens in the summer...

graceinsheepwear 33

You need to understand the fml before commenting. "What caused it" was OP had a one night stand and walked home in the same clothes they wore out the night before. It's called that because then everyone can tell you didn't sleep at home by being in your party clothes in the am.

graceinsheepwear 33

I was warned that Stitch would "back up sewers, reverse street signs, and steal everyone's left shoe."

please protect yourself! 3/4 of Americans have HPV and with all the promiscuity being promoted I guess it makes sense.

Sweetpea22 14

Let me guess, you think birth control makes women promiscuous. Guess what? It doesn't. The majority of women use it for medical reasons and many married women are on it

Exactly! I'm at high risk for developing ovarian cysts, so I'm on birth control to hopefully reduce that risk. Nothing to do with promiscuity.

Sweetpea22 14

I only use it for a medical reason too. I have a BF but I am saving myself for marriage.

no I don't think birth control makes people promiscuous, not sure how anyone would have came to that conclusion based off my comment??? I think having one night stands on a regular basis makes people promiscuous.And I think if someone is feeling shameful for it then maybe they should be??

I'm promoting safe sex and get thumbed down everyone else is saying it's cool have all the sex you want with no worries. see where I'm coming from saying promiscuity is being promoted? I didn't even mention birth control I quoted an old stat of Human Papilloma Virus ... warts .... STD ..... no where was birth control mentioned. and no one really cares about your cysts thanks for the over share.

Sweetpea22 14

Did you know humans aren't naturally monogamous? Besides, another woman's sex life is none of your ******* business.

Birth control serves zero PRotection from STDs just has a good chance of stopping pregnancy. So maybe you understand my comment now? trying to to rush Limba status off your misconception and atleast 8 ppl agreed with u smh the teachers of today are failing.

Sweetpea22 14

Condoms lesson the spread of STDs. Again, if a woman wants to have all the one night stands, it's none of your business or my business. Also monogamy doesn't stop the spread of STD's either

Mommy_of_one 2

I see the teachers failed with you big time. Your sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation is horrible. I have never met a woman who has one night stands on a regular basis, monogamy doesn't make you immune to STDS, and condoms reduce the spread of STDS. FYI, I had one one night stand and that's it

monogamy may not stop the spread of STDs but is sure as **** reduces it. you're really getting this caught up about it I said nothing to judge her lifestyle I simply wish everyone who chooses to do that also choose to be mature and responsible adult and protect themselves. Birth Control IE the pill does nothing to stop the spread of STDs so no I don't hate birth control no I don't judge premiscuous people and no I don't care enough to put commas or periods on an internet forum this is not work I am not turning it in for a grade so deal with my corrupt sentence structure or read someone else's comments that simple.

I'm not sure how things are where u live but if you go out where I live you will see the same women at the same bars going home with different men every thurs Fri and sat night assuming they get no other action that's 12 different partners a month and as 7 th grade health class taught us that is how STD s get spread. you can thumb me down all day but that doesn't stop what I'm saying from being true I wish there was a Doc around to confirm that HPV is out of control. Monogamy is not programmed into our genetic code yes you are correct but there was also nothing such as aids prior to what the 70s so if you wish to keep fornicating with everyone that crosses your path that is your choice and will only affect the notches in your headboard not me. Except if you chose to not wear protection that negatively effects all of humanity.

never mentioned monogamy or birth control just wrap ur shit so there's a less chance of my kid catching something in twenty years. I just noticed that none of your arguements pertain to my comment at all and I'm starting to think you ment to reply to someone else.

I am confused how you lost your left shoe while walking on icy sidewalks.. wouldn't your foot have gotten very cold? why didn't you put it back on? By the wording it sounds like you don't even know when you lost it, I would think that'd be something you would notice in the cold.

Hi All, I have to claim this embarrassment. To really understand the full picture in all of this, for starters, I (obviously) was not completely sober. Me and the guy, I'm gonna call him Tom, for this. Tom and I knew about each other for a few years through a mutual friend, but didn't meet till about two years ago, and we would meet up from time to time with other mutual friends. Tom and a friend I have known since grade school, whom I will call Deb, both live in the same neighborhood. This subdivision has a train track in to the east of it, which is also behind Tom's backyard. The track it pretty level, but the street that Tom lives on isn't. Its about the length of ten normal city blocks, most of which is hill. Its not a big hill, but when covered in ice and trying to walk up it while still drunk, does it really matter? I thought I left his house around 4 am, (my roommate drove us to the area and we were to meet at Deb's and I wanted to get back and sleep there) Anyway I didn't get to Deb's till 5:02, now I'm hoping it didn't take me an hour, but it is quite possible. Tom's apartment is the third house from the end, at the bottom of the hill, and Deb lives just off the street that's at the top of the hill. Due to my state at the time and the ice, you can assume I landed on my ass more then once. So at one point, I crawled. Then I figured out I could get traction in the snow, so about halfway up the hill I walked in the snow. All was going really well, until I started to cross the street. I stepped through the snow the plow trucks moved which wasn't as fluffy underneath when i would break through the ice on top. When I pulled my foot out, my shoe didn't come with it. So I tried to get it back out with my foot, but the damn thing fell off my foot and slid down the hill to where I couldn't see it any more. My drunk self knew enough that I could see my roommates car, which meant Deb's house was close. That shoe, I bought on clearance for eight dollars and involves that hill again. The path to Deb's house, was flat. Bright side, he was a great lay, and he found my shoe. We have New Years Day coffee plans to nurse our hangovers.

Sweetpea22 14

After I read this I instantly thought about the Supernatural episode where Sam loses his shoe and he says to Dean "I lost my shoe."

Reminds me of the joke where someone asks "Did you lose a shoe?" and they answer "No, I found one!".

squideth 18

What? Why the **** would she care what her parents think? She's a grown human being, she can do what she wants. Having sex doesn't lessen a person's worth.