By Anonymous - 21/12/2013 23:29 - United States - Ypsilanti

Today, I did the "walk of shame" sixteen blocks. It wouldn't have been so bad if the sidewalks and streets weren't completely covered in ice. Somewhere along the way I lost what little dignity I had left, along with my left shoe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 901
You deserved it 12 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HFM15 5

its not the walk of shame, its "the got laid parade"

At least it was the walk of shame, not the march of the socially awkward penguin


KayleeFrye 39

16 blocks in freezing, icy weather? For your sake, I hope the sex was good, at least. Maybe next time you can call a cab or take a bus? And I'm sorry about your shoe!

Arlisshsr 9

and just how is this YLS? 30000 of you need to get with reality...