By Anonymous - 02/08/2009 12:45 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 08/03/2010 14:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/03/2013 18:42 - Canada - Victoria
Red alert
By nobleach - 02/07/2009 14:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/12/2011 20:23 - United States
By Sally19863 - 30/08/2010 16:18 - South Africa
By Dfacta - 13/05/2010 17:51 - United States
Stressed out
By BK2017 - 29/01/2017 22:00 - United States - Orlando
Rash beard
By Rashbeard - 05/01/2020 01:00
Second time
By Anonymous - 31/12/2019 01:00
By Anonymous - 25/07/2019 20:00
Top comments
hope you dont pee on yourself
Pee contains salt, so yes in a way he will get a rash if it somehow ends up on your face. I didn't think you could be alergic to salt water but hey, learn something new everyday
you probably developed that allergy from all the semen you get on your face you ******* *****, i hope you get AIDS too u dumbass,getting ur pussy ****** every night and getting semen on your face is bound to make your body sick you *****
you can. as simple as that. you can definitely be allergic to your own bodily fluids.
Hi #39 I am the STFU fairy. Guess why I am here?
to STFU yourself
you probably developed that allergy from all the semen you get on your face you ******* *****, i hope you get AIDS too u dumbass,getting ur pussy ****** every night and getting semen on your face is bound to make your body sick you *****
Really? Give me a single published example of someone allergic to salt, water or saltwater. Water is necessary for just about every reaction in your body. Sodium and Chloride ions are necessary for signal transduction in nerves, as well as a ton of transmembrane cotransporters. Do your own research. Might I suggest an intro bio class?
Most people don't pee on their own faces.... Just beware of R Kelly
Ahah, a blatant troll!
then don't sweat or cry
doesnt everyones face get red when they sweat or cry?
FAIL! There is salt, moron. Why do you think there is salt added to sports drinks? You lose salt when you sweat. ******* tard. Look up things before spouting off your "genius" answers to the world. GTFO.
You're a fool. Take a basic biology class and you will learn that sweat has salt in it. Why do you think sports drinks have salt and electrolytes in them? Because you lose more than just pure water when you sweat. If you sweat a lot and only drink water and don't replenish the sodium, it can result in hyponatremia. Next time do some research before trying to sound smart.
Your tears have salt in them. That's why saline solution for your contacts is pretty much just salt water and if you try to wet your contact with fresh water it hurts like whoa.
absolutely fake mods, you ****** up
Back at you #43. Try reading the whole article, and not the title. Aquagenica Urticaria is an allergy to all water anywhere on your body. The article is about 3 sentences. L2use Google.
I did read the whole article. I wasn't saying the OP had it I was just saying that for people who do not believe that you can be allergic to sweat or tears that it is possible.
lol xP
I call bull, if this person developed an allergy it would be all over her body, not just her face, so when she sweats she'd have a rash under her arms, on her back, EVERYWHERE!
Agreed... skin allergies aren't specific to areas like the face or hand or a leg. More sensitive skin may be more subject to an allergy, but skin allergies affect all of the skin, not just one specific place. I did have a friend once that had an allergic reaction to the energy drink Vault... he could drink it, but if it got on his skin he got a really angry rash. That's about as abnormal a situation as I've seen, but skin allergies aren't area specific. OP probably just has dry skin.
Maybe that's your NAIL polish saying you're not supposed to use it on your face???.............. Pure genius.
I know how you feel, my skin is sensitive on my face as well. If leave water on my face to dry on its own I get red blotches on my face for a little while. I'm not entirely sure why it does that either. My boyfriend thinks its funny to lick my face because it leaves red marks wherever he does it.
That's so adorable, even your body rejects itself.
Yeah, you stole this from one of those medical shows. You can't only have an allergy on your face, it'd be on your whole body. I remember the show, and the girl couldn't cry, or she'd get a rash and her face would swell up. However, I'm not sure if I'm right or wrong, but I thought she was allergic to water of every kind.
I get a really bad stingy rash on my face whenever I sweat excessively like after a workout. So OP isn't lying. No one said anything about face swelling. Stop trying to look hard by calling out the OP with your bullshit.

That's so adorable, even your body rejects itself.
have you learned nothing from house? it's never lupus.