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By liu_kang - 16/03/2010 18:55 - United States

Today, my schlong decided to enter Mortal Kombat with my pants zipper. Guess which of the two won a flawless victory? FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 169
You deserved it 7 713

Same thing different taste


skullbashd 3

his schlong went into mortal combat what is he 7 years old

farsidee 0
erikahhh 0

hehe boom headshot nice dude nice lol... and that sux lol eh shit happens lol

34- wanna see if I can give you a "headshot"? =D

puppergens 0

anyone ever do stricker's ultimate fatality? it owns

AngryNinja 1
AngryNinja 1

be quiet, ajjas, i was quoting op. ;)

I said schlong about three times today #60

78euge781995 0

oh f***. I just got the FML. OP, hope your schlong isnt finished.

AngryNinja 1

#77.. i really hope you're kidding..

87: yuup I sat there and stared until I got it.

@17 - it's "kombat", not "combat". there are no c's in outworld. :D

don't worry I had to stare at it for a minute before I understood it XD

ElegantSadist 0

Brutality. Followed by you crying so bad in Babality.

gregsdaman 0
AngryNinja 1

for your sake, fedor, i hope you are. xD

oh man, your schlong is now a schlort.

AngryNinja 1

129, that was beautiful. classic. ;)

#129 wins and THAT was a flawless victory.

113 - Do you have a stutter? Anyway, what happened to the irrelevant comments being removed, the offender's account banned, fire, brimstone, and the like? I was very happy when I saw Sirin's post, but it seems to not be in effect yet.

Felendris 0

took me a few minutes to get this one. terribly worded imo.

64 ur dumb and not funny now me I'm HILARiOUS

Kiill3rQu33n16 0

0_0 @ 94.......WTF DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE FML???  teeth..... ydi for having teeth??? Can someone explain this plz. I can't seem to find the relation of this fml and teeth

AngryNinja 1

148: who the hell said I was trying to be funny! I know I'm dumb stfu.

hahahaha oh my ******* god I thought you meant me. sorry, ignore my last comment please hahhaa x)

BoWZeR 1

#34 u have a nice pair of ****..can I stick my shlong inbetween those..;)

113 is cute. OP I hope your schlong is still workin(: best of luck to you:D

redshortsx 0

I honest to god don't understand one word of this FML soooo YDI????

XCaLX_fml 0

i dont uderstand doesshlong me dick

drewrox 0

I say schlong it's a funny word


win that was ****** hilarious

this FML makes no sense; WTF r u talking about op?

Koolnoob729 0

no he isn't.. If he was, he would say "my dingaling got into a tickle fight with my zipper. my dingaling won"

alleyx3 0

ydi for saying shlong or whatever you call it

toaster468 0
SteveDufour 0

oh god angry ninjas back trolling!

bubbarific 0

ydi for underestimating the abilities of a formiddible opponent

I get it! counter strike. I read through fml everyday but today I signed up just to reply to this hot chics comment!

Peacemaker9 7

then bam!!!!! he knocks u out and gets the girl instead!!!!!!! lol btw #5 = win!!!!!

Peacemaker9 7

then comes the " LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!" annoucement throughout the store!!!!!!!!

sounds like it even your camera angle is off :D

Peacemaker9 7

wow thats a dam fml alright!!!!!!

224: lol, thankyou I think? 230: my camera angle is off? lol.

MightyMike2509 0

haha erika WIN! haha headshot!

navybabebridget 0

No you're all wrong! His schlong won with his ninja powers. How dare you assume the zipper won! Don't worry, it happens to me all the time. Damn zipper...

you do get it tho right? your profile pic is off, your day is off? *buh dum bump tsh* lame joke :|

squirell_AIDS69 0
squirell_AIDS69 0

btw I'm pretty sure OP is reppin a schlort, not schlong

hahaha, no I don't get it but maybe that's just me:)

collin715 0

not many people will care if your slow if you look dec like yourself, course you get that all the time on this site it seems :P

well, I'm off to catch a few winks unless a few new fmls come back up within 15 or so minutes

zachhasse 0
You_fail_how 0

#34 reminds me of snookie... just saying. And I hope you had a good medic in the field to bandage your wounded soldier OP.

Kurabsence 0

who the hell's an angry ninja?!

aphillips1123 0
AngryNinja 1

oh no, 205 thinks they're cool!!! 301, that would be me. ;)

If your too stupid to under stand this its basically have his 8====>~~ stuck in his pants. Schlong ftw.

breenarae25 0

lol u look like Ian from smosh

I agree. I've been wondering that for a while now

SLKBlack96 5

it's a game you dipshit it spelt with a K

78euge781995 0

nice going retard. FINISH HIM!!

Phil_McCracken 0

#48 fails. Exceptionally. op: was it the beans or the frank. (someone should get the reference)

mshafty 0

Aww "Something About Mary"! Good movie "We got a bleeder!"

cyberotter 0
BrookeTrueblood 0

Yeah, that must hurt like a mother.. OP, uh, I thought guys stopped zipping up their 'schlongs' when they're like 5.

Phil_McCracken 0

107: couldn't tell ya. I'm 25 and I've never done that, ever. I didn't realize this was such a problem. It's pretty basic stuff.

Oh wow you are both very cute. Honestly.

xoxbandgeekxox13 3

that's what j was wondering plz tell

RODEOqueen 0

A penis. Sorry OP, that must suck.

Xrated_exctasy 0

a subtle way to indicate that your penis is long

no no no....dumb people....tsk tsk..... a schlong is a dildoe :) teeheee jkjk

LauraTheKiwi 0
nomnommonster 0

Well, what is in a guy's pants and can be compared to a breadstick? dun dun daaa

39, yeast infections suck balls. Well, at least they can take place on your sac... never mind. >.>

xlovelessx 0

whhhat? sorry I dun get it? lol

schlong is a cleaner word for dick, ****, penis, etc.. I'm guessing he got tangled up in his pants? ouch

ouch man........ the real question is, do you still have a schlong?

nomnommonster 0

Lui kang. Man, he was the best character.