By socially awkward - 10/03/2012 06:00 - United States

Today, I discovered that the amount of alcohol I have to drink to build up enough courage to talk to women at a bar is the exact amount of alcohol that prevents me from getting a boner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 321
You deserved it 8 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Use that same amount of alcohol to get her drunk instead. Problem solved.

Psycho_Babydoll 26


sealpop09 8

Well hello raj koothrappali

masterass333 0

At least you know you won't get an STD from black out sex, and if you find a girl at a bar - get comfortable enough so she wants to have sex with you, and don't initiate it while drunk - she'll probably jump on you when you finally go out on that sober date. Then you'll get sex alllllll the time. Depending on the girl. One night stands might be great, but they require rejection immunity/being able to be rejected without harm to confidence, charm, and experience. Higher chance of getting an STD, or a crazy person. Relationships/Dating you get to know the crazy person, and having a sexual history chat is foreplay.

MetalxSoldier 26

Well, I thought it was funny. Toy Story quote right?

You seriously need alcohol to talk to women? I think you should work on that first, rather than try to get them to sleep with you & your whiskey dick (: Only girls you're going to be bringing home anyway are slutty, not worth the risk of catching something.