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By sickened - 25/08/2009 14:17 - Philippines

Today, my friends and I went out drinking, and luckily enough, the guy I have had a crush on for four years now was there. I tried to get drunk so that I can make a move and blame it on the alcohol. I went in to whisper my confession in his ear... only to puke on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 759
You deserved it 68 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

idiot. you PRETEND to be drunk. then you hook up with him, remember everything, are in control of how much you act like a fool, and can blame it on the alcohol later. puking isn't sexy.

Not brave enough to just go hit on him? You asked for that one.


Jazzywrites007 2

Here We go... Making Women look Bad. Ugh.

we dont automatically apply all these FMLs to all women... :)

americayay 0

Well, thank you number 11. And agreed number 1. I mean, a couple drinks to losen you up, maybe, but how much did she drink?!

Well, now you have something else to talk about :3

why didn't you just drink a little, pretend to be drunk, make your move, and then blame being drunk anyway?

americuzz 8

71- that's what I was thinking! but love makes us do crazy things;/

With that profile pic... We don't need these FMLs

idiot. you PRETEND to be drunk. then you hook up with him, remember everything, are in control of how much you act like a fool, and can blame it on the alcohol later. puking isn't sexy.

americayay 0

I love you number 2. Not to mention, you don't do anything you wouldn't NORMALLY do with a person, such as going to far or getting kinky or, you know, puking on him.

haaa!! true!! maybe she was nervous and drank too much..WORD VOMIT!!!

tenkenshi 2

Exactly, she broke the first rule of getting laid, DON'T GET DRUNK!

YDI for not figuring out how to drink enough to PRETEND to be drunk....

I completely agree with #2 abd #71. you should have faked being drunk so if you messed up "making a move" you could blame the alchohal even if you weren't REALLY drunk. learn to low. :P sorry YDI.

Not brave enough to just go hit on him? You asked for that one.

djb23 0

Blame it on the goose, gotcha feeling loose Blame it on the 'tron, catch me in a zone Blame it on the a-a-alcohol Blame it on the a-a-alcohol

evangldbrg 0

Ahahaha...I was just about to post that until I read this...touche

TheCashMan88 0

What a stupid, annoying song. I cringe everytime I hear it.

screwtaylor 0

It is a gross song. Especially how they edited the dude's voice.

djb23 0

well **** you guys cause it's relevant in this situation!

Oh come on. Can't you moderate alcohol what so ever?

wow. that makes your crush feel real good. that you have to get drunk to tell him anything. good luck getting a date with him.

That's why it's a FML. Geezz, you really think you gotta spell that out 'cause you're so proud of yourself for figuring out?!? What a douche move!!

Wow, way to have bravery of any kind. Seriously, if you need to be inebriated to tell him how you feel then he doesn't deserve you.

Well, you're obviously an idiot. Your last hope is to just go with the whole airhead thing, and hope he finds it "cute". Remember, try to hide your gag reflex from guys. ;)

Um, yeah, most people drink in moderation and realize when they've had enough. Seriously one drink would have been enough to make you relaxed enough to approach him. Or none....grow a pair!

she wasnt trying to get relaxed to approach him, she wanted to get shit faced, **** him, and if he regrets it the next day blame alcohol.

Sure, but the problem with this approach is alcohol impairs ability to sexually function. For women, first drink or two or three is fine. After that, downhiill from there. For men, drinking usually really messes up their ability to perform. So while I understand her intention, having just one or two and letting things happen as they would have better results. *AND SHE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN LAID!!*

screwtaylor 0

I agree with Intoxicunt. The OP is an idiot. And drunken moves aren't cute either. I think the OP thought just because she was drunk her crush would might want to sex her up.

Which isn't the way to go about winning over a "4 year crush". There are too many FMLs with people trying win over a crush or a cute guy/girl with these little gimmicks. What ever happened to just talking to someone you're attracted to and seeing where it goes?