By dumbasdogshit - 11/08/2012 00:45 - Australia - Gold Coast

Today, I discovered that when a cyclist tears down the street, slaps you across the face as he passes, looks back laughing and flips you off, then crashes into a lamppost, he'll still blame you and threaten to sue, even after you rush over to check his injuries. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 789
You deserved it 2 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PrussiaisAwesome 15

I like to see him try to sue. That would be so funny.

mzrobinson 13

Sue back for assault and harassment! (;


if anything, you should sue his ass for hitting you in the face...

ReaperUSMC11 5

Check his injuries? Don't you mean add to his injuries?

fatalwish 6

karma i would have just pointed ad laughed be to each their own

Meesersuperman1 4
noisebox 1

Yeah he can sue but his mental status as a retard won't go far. I love these kinds of stories where these mutants get what's coming to them...I consider these success stories....

And he threatens to sue, that's rich. He's the one who committed assault in the first place when he slapped the OP in the face in the first place. No lawyer would even take on that case.