By Anonymous - 11/02/2014 19:10 - Canada - Saskatoon

Today, I discovered that when one of my toddlers throws up, the other sympathy-pukes too, and that this continues until they're both empty. I guess my car is going to stink of vomit for a while. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 388
You deserved it 3 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you weren't the third sympathy OP. Just the smell would already stir me badly :s I suggest you prepare sick bags in your car this time if you're expecting more of this... Good luck cleaning up your car .

Give them each a cup. It's what my mother did for my ultra-carsick sibling. I was a sympathy puker too.


Look at the bright side at least they didn't puke in your hair.

Ari1337 15

well it would be easier to clean puke out of your hair than out of your car.

@25 How could puke reach OP's hair from the back seat? Unless the car is weird as hell, I would love to see these rocket-vomits.

Most rear seats are super easy to remove. I would take it out of the car completely and power wash it.

buttcramp 21

next time you're at the doctor's office ask for some of those blue puke bag things! they can fit easily in a center console so of one (or both) feel sick you can hand it to them easily and they are long enough that it won't splatter.

Oh that's gotta suck! It did make me lol though

I have a hard enough time no puking myself... Lucky for me my boys have not puke when the other was around or I'm sure I would have a river

for me car fresheners + vomit smells would make me puke even more

that is really really cute! and not in a gross way...its just cute :D more stories to tell them when they get a lil older!