By Anonymous - 13/07/2014 16:04 - United States - Pompano Beach

Today, I discovered the downside to having a "sneak-attacks-allowed" tickle war with my 4-year-old son. I had to explain to several outraged strangers at the supermarket why my son kept flinching and pulling away whenever I made any sudden movements near him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 352
You deserved it 6 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As long as you have a good relationship with your son **** what they think

That's really cute though. At least you and your son will look back on it with fondness.


The visual I just got of everyone's dirty looks.....priceless

Haha, I used to do that all the time, until one day my mom really slapped me in the head

Glad they were concerned Also glad that you have a nice relationship with your son. :)

I can understand him. I was scarred from tickle battles so much that I would get tickled instead of killed in nightmares when I was little