By Anonymous - 08/08/2011 07:16 - United States

Today, I discovered the reason my favorite stick of deodorant hasn't smelled right for the past two weeks. My dad uses it on his butt crack and balls "to clean up the stank". FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 921
You deserved it 4 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nothing like the smell of musky ball sweat on your armpits all day


silver13 5
ali_murder13 5

What the **** that's just nasty tell ur pop to get in the damn shower and wash his ass bc deo only works for so long or shit into a pie and feed it to him

varkey 7

Ew! Oh my goodness..... tell your dad to shower properly and as for you... I would take a day long shower FYL

Bless23 0

Pfft this ones easy, smother the old one with hot sauce. Then buy a new stick after your dad has used the old again.

Oh my God, this is one of the most gross FML´s I´ve ever read! I would throw up after finding this out.