By Anonymous - 08/08/2011 07:16 - United States

Today, I discovered the reason my favorite stick of deodorant hasn't smelled right for the past two weeks. My dad uses it on his butt crack and balls "to clean up the stank". FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 921
You deserved it 4 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nothing like the smell of musky ball sweat on your armpits all day


woolymittens 11

LMFAO!! Your dad is awesome.

Why doesn't he either 1. Use his own deodorant 2. If he doesn't have any, maybe he should buy his own..

I suggest you keep your deodorant in a locked cupboard. That's just nasty.

BrutalPoodle 5

Put your balls in his #1 dad mug

Ew. Why would he be using yours anyway... :x

Lucky7Samson 10

My dad used to do this to my sister on purpose to gross her out.

MuscratMan 4

Buy a stick of hair grower and replace your deodorant with that