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By Anonymous - 19/10/2010 06:37 - Australia

Today, I discovered the top I'm wearing becomes completely see-through when it rains. I just got caught in a storm on my lunch break, and still have 3 hours of work to go in my male dominated office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 566
You deserved it 8 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ali_Br_fml 33

Ooh, sux to be you... good for them, bad for you. guess they got a show.

smokeymcpottt 3

Please! Don't act as if you don't love it!


TinyDude 10

Ok...I live in Perth, West Aus, and it hasn't done more than sprinkle in effing forever> the last storm was in March. I have to call BS

i know right ? like she doesnt KNOW that would happen. i swear women do things like this to gain attention ALL the time in life hahaha

Thadius 0

@ #39Try again retard. It bucketed down in the CBD at 11:30 today. Not to mention how humid and overcast it was all morning.

Ali_Br_fml 33

Ooh, sux to be you... good for them, bad for you. guess they got a show.

Ali_Br_fml 33

what happened to 1 & 2? they were there before. ah well... my iPod app makes comments disappear all the time, throws away comments I make... etc.

brightnite 0

ydi for wearing a shirt to work.

And 44 stole 10's joke. It's gonna happen. Even I was thinking the same thing when I read the post.

surferchick96 0

Benefits* And what friends? What are you even talking about?

"Coworkers with benefits" just doesn't quite roll off the tongue? Or it could just be an utter fail. That's always possible.

Sounds like a storm in a tea cup. One day you'll look back at it and laugh!

Technically, in this case it's a storm in a C cup.

mckibabe 7

I love how well the picture works with the comment^^ :) love that movie though

artex1024 0

always keep a sweater at work.

Ali_Br_fml 33

um, or pics or it didn't happen... that's what I always hear... I mean read.

smokeymcpottt 3

Please! Don't act as if you don't love it!

Yeah, because there's no way she's a smart woman and a hard worker, as long as she's putting her body on display for every man to stare at and objectify with their perverted fantasies, right?

See, 115 totally gets it... What, sarcasm? Booo

DarkHelmet 10
ArtIsResistance7 1

Australia is having a good influx of FML's ;P Apparently a shit-storm is circling over the island nation...stay tuned for weather updates. Maybe today is a good day to go ask for a raise!

Maybe Australia is having a bad day because the day is actually over, and people have gone home and posted their FML's?