By Anonymous - 19/10/2010 06:17 - United States

By Anonymous - 19/10/2010 06:17 - United States
By idrathernotgiveoutmyname - 31/01/2012 02:50 - Canada
By Anonymous - 19/09/2018 22:15
By dino317 - 27/02/2010 05:02 - United States
By wasntworththedrive - 20/01/2010 06:43 - United States
By needfulthing - 19/11/2010 15:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/03/2020 17:00
By denied - 11/08/2009 20:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/05/2009 21:06 - United States
By Anonymous. - 31/12/2009 05:23 - United States
By wowza - 31/01/2009 16:52 - United States
get er done number one
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Show it anywayWow, 13. You're an sexist asshole.
a guy who doesnt want to have sex is like a caterpillar that doesnt want to become a butterfly.
13, I sure hope that was one of your 99% chance that its a joke.
13 cmon now don't be sexist these ppl who r bitching at u are right OP, when u send a bunch of flirty texts tho some guys can take it the wrong way and think u wanna have sex with em or something. Also a lot of guys will act sweet an stuff like that just so u trust them enough to give in to them. I do kinda feel bad that he was an ass to u but I still think YDI cuz u prolly made it seem to him that u wanted to hook-up.
Hey, don't go after 13's throat. I'm sure she was joking. I don't see the problem here. What does she expect, for him to text forever? If the guy was texting her for "a while" then he has the right to ask. He probaly meant make it official that they're going out, not that he just wanted to bang her.
"Hook-up" doesn't imply sex unless that's where your mind is already.
i agree 13 all I care about is sex
86, you make an excellent, eloquent point. Twat.
70 Shut up.
so you are allowed to make sexist comments, but 13 can't? Get in the kitchen & make me a sammich is sexist. so, yeah, it's because he is a guy. That's what guys think about all of the time. not all girls want to jump in bed with everyone they like. there would be a lot of teenage pregnancies around if that happened... oh wait, look at the statistics. Teenage pregnancies are up. so maybe op doesn't want to be a statistic. Hey, that's why you shouldn't expect to have romantic texts with guys w/o them expecting much from you... Op learned a life lesson. Guys are usually pigs, only want sex, and that's what they see women as... sex tools... Now we know... I think... I'm too inexperienced to even give an educated comment on that though... so... yeah.
BelleElle, anyone specific?
86: If only you knee how stupid you look. As Tom Tucker on family guy once said: "Congratulations on setting your people back a hundred years."
Lame generalisations. Why do girls always refer to guys as 'the enemy' and guys to girls as sex/food objects? It's ******* stupid that. It should be restricted to talk about (in the same way you can't really malt fun of gay people anymore.)
Knew**. And I just realized something: We all bash people for shorting words and phrases with acronyms, then go around and say "fyl, ydi, WTF, btw, IMO" etc. I sense hypocrisy. And just because these phrases are common, you're still being lazy and shouldn't bash people. Though I must say it is nowhere near as bad as "OMG I fat guy is such n ass u shud tell him he is stoopid fer thinkin dat u jus wantd 2 hook up.".
my post says 'malt' instead of 'make' :( Bad times for the Ipod Crew.
13 is right ya all sexist bitches
Wow 133, 86 wasn't even typing like that but ok anyways everybody needs to stop being sexist towards the other gender it's dumb. Girls as much as guys enjoy sex. Op if he wouldn't have said it you would have been upset because he didn't and now that he did you are upset. some women are never happy with anything and find little things to pick at and get mad over.
he is just sick of all the you made me smile crap. I mean, who wouldn't
For the people like 159: It's in the "Intimacy" category, not the "Love" category. It's not about dating.
The sad thing for FML is the only entertainment I get here is from all the comments......^^
people who talk like that fail at life
116 - I'm a guy, and I completely agree with you. I hate what 13 said and I also hate all the guys on FML who make lame sexist comments too. they're all just dumb , and the make me a sammich or get in the kitchen thing has never been funny...ever...
Oh good one! I like that! so true you know!
Hypocrisy is not a trait shared by any one gender. It is limited to the individual. So I don't get how some girls are calling the guys hypocrites for hating on 13. They aren't the ones making the sexist jokes about girls. Which means you girls I am talking about can shut up. I also think that the OP is just jumping to conclusions and not thinking things through. "Hook up" can mean date or **** but you can't really tell much from what OP is saying. Section don't mean shit.
Because girls aren't allowed to be sexist, apparently.
well over here hook up means make out lol
116, I bet you and your feminist cult don't get many boyfriends.
Women are usually bitching about how guys are horrible people while watching Lifetime Movie Network garbage, effectively prejudicing any guy who would appeal to them. See what I did there?
As my friend once stated, "You can't **** a personality".
You know what? The difference between the sexist comments here is that the girls are being serious, where as the guys are being SARCASTIC. Women, as sexist as this is going to paint me, think about what you read before you post, please tell me you have enough logic to tell the difference between a joke and a real sexist comment.
86, learn to type correctly, can't understand a word you're saying, sorry babe
actually some caterpillars become moths or beetles
get it done!
no 139.. well said
ha! only sentimental to get you hooked and get some ass!
Or she probably led him on. I mean if someone told me they think I am funny and cute, I'd take that as an indication of interest and if the guy was saying stuff like that for a long time, I'd totally think he'd eventually ask to hook up. And like someone else said hook up does not equate to having sex. I love hook ups... they only problem is that they make the guy think I want to take it further but I don't like sex. :)
I don't think his goal was reproduction.
"My crush texted me that he wants to have sex. FML."
OP, you know not all guys are into this cheese stuff and when they are is because they want to get something ;) Did you hook up then or what?
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Show it anywayWow really? Stop stereotyping men and make me a sammich -.-
aussie_babe, i agree with you but there are women too that all they think about is SEX SEX SEX!
Yes, but you still haven't made that sammich yet :/ .
123zc1 - What's your profile picture mean? I'm an experienced COD player but still don't understand.
lol it is scientifically proven that every 54 seconds, the male mind thinks of sex, whether thy realize it or not, it true.
lol it is scientifically proven that every 54 seconds, the male mind thinks of sex, whether thy realize it or not, it true.
Every 2 seconds I think you're an idiot.
That statistic means nothing if you don't tell us how often the female mind thinks of sex.
Every 7 seconds, not 54. The "every x seconds" is a lie but men do statistically think of it more often than women.
I think I should suck a dick :)
**** U! what a typo rofl!!
**** U! what a typo rofl!
I think you should. When should I come over?
you set ur self up for that sooooo bad :p
And with your profile picture, I wonder why that statistic may be true... idiot
Look, more generalisations! Seriously, ******* leave it - clearly not all people think about sex that often. Also, wouldn't you have some sort if give-away that you're think about sex without realising? I don't believe I have without intending to.
women have smaller brains too, right?
it's statistically proven that 87.3% of statistics are made up.
Wow, it's funny cause I've read studies that show men are just more willing to ADMIT they think about sex than women are. Not all men are heartless horndogs, any of you tools who think we are are the ones who will end up very sad and alone. Stop thinking so damn highly of yourselves, men are just as into committed love relationships as women are, and BTW ALL STATISTICS ARE BS, even though I did read that somewhere I've read many contradicting articles, people simply SAY IT to increase the believability of the article, not because it's factual, but more people read it because it makes it easier to believe (I would know, I have statistics to prove it, LOL sarcasm). People are so willing to believe anything they hear these days aren't they? Everybody lies, think for yourself and stop creating biases about things you know nothing about.
What are you ten?
have sex!!
which means we are smarter ;)
Ehh.. shouldn't you be happy that he's finally trying to get somewhere?!
Exactly my thought! Nobody is gonna be sentimental and romantic all the time! Just be happy the guy you like likes you
Ehh.. shouldn't you be happy that he's finally trying to get somewhere?!