By Anonymous - 13/01/2016 07:46 - Netherlands - Overveen

Today, I dreamed a rat crawled up from the toilet and attacked me. Now I'm afraid to even enter the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 209
You deserved it 3 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm on the toilet right now and I hate you.

This is the exact reason I've invested so much in ToiletCats™. My toilets are rat-free, and the scratches are… mostly healing!


After reading the first line I expected the next one to say something like "turns out it wasn't a dream after all"

Wizardo 33

Someone has been watching too much TMNT. Master Splinter would never hurt a fly.

legendof90 14

Lol my friend went on a holiday a few years ago and rats came up the toilet when she was in there

I heard up north rats crawl up toilets into people's homes. I now close the toilet sit at night before I go to bed.

get a pet rat to help your fears, they are actually awesome pets and not very expensive at a pet store

Usually they won't attack, a rats first instinct is sniff/run rather then bite. Rats rarely ever bite even in the wild. Rats are nice

I guess you would know since you're holding a rat in your profile picture. lol

Hey you have to let nature do it's thing OP. If you gotta go, then you gotta go! Besides the actual chance of a rat crawling up through your toilet is rather slim so you should be fine. :)

Dreams are made from random thoughts you have during the day that don't have anything to do with each other. They're sometimes tricky little bastards but there are probably no rats in your toilet, and if there was they'd drown and get flushed.