By Anonymous - 13/01/2016 07:46 - Netherlands - Overveen

Today, I dreamed a rat crawled up from the toilet and attacked me. Now I'm afraid to even enter the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 209
You deserved it 3 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm on the toilet right now and I hate you.

This is the exact reason I've invested so much in ToiletCats™. My toilets are rat-free, and the scratches are… mostly healing!


SighOfTheWorld 7

Rats won't crawl up a toilet that's being used on a regular basis. They will only do it if there is no water in the toilet and it's been sitting undisturbed for a long time, like when people go on extended vacations. Just keep the lid closed with a weight on top when you're not around.

MedChew 19

Reminds me of that myth buster episode where there was a video demonstrating how a rat can actually get into your toilet bowl. Agile creatures, and very flexible. Also, you MUST check out how they swim, oh so very cute. None of my family members would warm up to the idea of a pet rat though.

Rats are very good pets! It's sad that your family won't let you get some. (By some, I mean minimum 2 as rats are highly social creatures) Oh and never mix them with mice. Rats sometimes eat mice.


Though I have never witnessed a rat, I have walked into a bathroom before and discovered a snake in the toilet.

You didn't have a dream, you had a nightmare

Don't worry, even if a rat did come out of the toilet it's unlikely to harm you. Rats aren't naturally aggressive to humans. Just don't try to pick 'em up! (I've handled wild rats and they usually just squirm. Or do nothing.)

You must have watched that National Geographic video about rats crawling out of toilets.

Never thought someone else had this dream O_O and we are even from the same country too. Quite a coincidence :)

I actually found a rat in my toilet this day I can't use the toilet without having a panic attack ;(

ok so story time, when I was like 5 I watched this scary movie about that and it scared the living hell out of me so every time I had the use the bathroom id do it standing up then run across the room to wipe yeah that went on until I was like 13