By ihateeverything - 14/01/2015 17:35 - United States - Granbury

Today, I dreamed that I cheated on my boyfriend. I was so overwhelmed with guilt that I called him while half-asleep to tell him about it and apologize. I'm fully awake now and he doesn't believe it was really a dream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 507
You deserved it 8 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I probably would not believe you if that happened.

Mossyoak_kw 28

Damn, that sucks. Hopefully you'll be able to explain it better and get everything fixed soon!


I can understand you feeling so overwhelmed with guilty, but couldn't you atleast wait for the next morning to call him? Or even better, just personally talk to him later on the day?? Calling him in the middle of the night just made matters worse...

Never, ever, call your boyfriend when you are drunk, high or half asleep. It is doomed to fail majorly.

This happened to me once. I got out of bed, pacing around the living room very upset that I would have to tell me wife about my infidelity when I snapped out of it and remembered it was just a dream. I gratefully went back to bed and never told her about it.

Why apologize over a dream you had? Who's cares what's going on in your head as long as you don't act on those impulses.

She was half asleep. She was probably barely conscious of what she was doing

I expect a FML: "Today, my girlfriend confessed that she cheated on me. Later she tried to convince me that it was all just a dream. FML"

Oh man... It was just a dream and it's not your fault. You felt bad and told him about that dream. I think he should respect and appreciate that.

You're waiting for a train. A train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure. But it doesn't matter. Why? Because you'll be together.

honestly its completely understandable for him to not believe you

Notverycreeative 13

sounds like a guilty conscious to be dreaming of that..

Ya you never bring up cheating in a relationship just brings in doubt and trust issues even if it's a joke or just a dream.