By rosesareyellow - 30/07/2010 04:40 - United States

Today, I dropped my phone in water, and my friends told me to put it in rice to draw out the water. They put my phone in riceroni. My phone now smells like chicken and has rice seasoning stuck all over it. Needless to say it still doesn't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 056
You deserved it 33 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey. You got one of the new Ismell's. :-P Anyway, it's dry rice you have to use dumbass. And you have to leave it in there for a day or 2. Either that or A. be more careful or B. Get some phone insurance if it's something expensive.


grrrr123 0

YDI for being an idiot and putting it in iceeroni instead of plain rice!!

terranada 3

no, u have to leave it in a rice cooker overnight.

If your cell phone or MP3 player falls in water... 1. Remove it immediately. 2. If possible, remove the battery. 3. Dry it off, shake it out. 4. Put it in a container of white rice, which will draw out any water left in it. Leave overnight. Shake out the rice. 5. Try powering it on. If it works, great! If there's still some condensation in it, go to step 9. If it doesn't work, go to step 6. 6. Go to a pharmacy and ask for 100% alcohol. Don't use anything you can buy at a liquor store, like neutral grain spirits (Everclear). It may take a couple days to get it, but they should be able to get it. 7. Soak the phone in the alcohol overnight. This will dissolve any water that's left in the cell phone. Let dry for 24 hours. 8. Try powering it on. If it doesn't work, I don't know anything else to do. If it does work, great! If there's some condensation in the screen, proceed. 9. Get an electric therapeutic heating pad. Put the phone face down (opening up) on the heating pad. Leave it set on low all night. 10. The display should be clear.

Plasencia09 0

SOAK THE PHONE IN ALCOHOL OVERNIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I wouldn't do that unless you were offering to replace my iPhone with an iPhone 4. WOW you lied to you?!?!?!?!?

junebug33 0

Well putting it in regular white rice it Williams work I know because I did it recently when i left my phone out in pouring rain for an hour it might not get rid of the smell though.

dude put it in RICE!!! not riceroni!!! there is a difference!!!

stedfastwolf 11

deserved it didn't know what kind to use

lmao rice-a-roni hey at least they were trying to help, it's not their fault you drowned your phone