By boo - 16/02/2010 20:46 - United States
Same thing different taste
By AnAngryyGiraffe - 06/12/2016 04:46 - United States - Chatsworth
False advertising
By Anonymous - 29/01/2024 22:00 - France
By JakeHolmes - 17/11/2009 06:48 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/02/2023 10:00
By Crombinator - 01/05/2015 05:30 - United States - Estacada
By Anonymous - 18/09/2018 22:10
Cool phone
By Anonymous - 30/01/2023 03:30
Insurance is a scam
By Zanquis - 30/12/2016 19:04
By Quincy_Ethan - 29/08/2014 21:22 - United States - Killeen
Club Tropicana
By Anonymous - 03/01/2024 09:00 - United States - Silver Spring
Top comments
Yea, that really sucks... But if you were told not to put it in a high humidity place and you did, YDI. Sidenote: put it in rice for a day. Dries it out niiice :)
f your life?
You're not alone.
Waste of rice. Phones are ******* annoying anyway. Say good ridance OP.
if u didnt already know that water is bad for electronics then u r extremely retarded
um no. OP obviously was warned about the adverse side affects of having her phone in a humid place. if she realized the room would get humid, why bring a phone into it? it was her fault.
ydi u fucken ritard.
I agree with 47. This is a big DUH and YDI. The rice has been know to help. @42 Learn how to spell "riddance" if you're going to troll and make stupid comments.
@61: If you're going to troll, at least learn to spell "ritard".
Sweet hairstyle^ but yeah, from what I hear, the rice trick works.
That's why you keep your phone in the drawer, or in another room while you shower. Are you retarted?
@Captainmarshall1 *retarded... = I think you need to learn to spell before you get onto others for not being the brightest.
oh my bad, however this does not make the OP any less "mentally challenged"
i take my iphone in the shower w/ me evry day so my mom doesnt go thru it. im typing on it rite now. still works. either ur lying to us or u dropped it in the toilet and didnt wanna sound like a total f*ck up :/
it's from the hangover dumbass
i dont see how this is that bad of an FML
@29. where on all an iPod touch.
ok about the rice thing... is that true or is everybody joking? haha and what does "troll" mean?
147- I wasn't asking if they were lying about electronics getting damaged due to water. I was asking if placing water-damaged electronics in rice really works. I really hope your comment wasn't directed to me, because if it was, you just came across as an idiot.
nvm 147 I think you meant to say this to the OP. I got confused since you replied to my post, sorry.
she's still retarded!
Retarted? Nice
you guys only take cold showers like serial killers and perverts?
You only get that humid-steam crap going on if you're in the shower for too long.
If you put it in a sandwich baggie thingy then you could take it in the bathroom while you're in shower... I like listening to music while I'm in the shower so I put my iPod touch in a sandwich bag thingy and it doesn't get wet or mess up at all. I'm pretty sure it would work for a phone... even if it sounds a little ghetto... well I don't kno... :)
# 21- someone could be expecting an important call, not all calls come from our moms. and plus I like to keep track of time to make sure that I'm not taking too late. and I feel safer when my phone is near me so my brother won't go into my stuff. OP- If you want to take your phone in the bathroom, then just leave it in between clothes or a towel and put it on full blast so that you can hear if a call comes. Thats what I do.
yeah I do that too I keep it on a little shelf thing and text while I'm in there and mine works perfect
#2 yeaa I do that like all the time. my phone is fine.
#50, I'm sure you get a lot of "important" calls when you're still at the age where your brother steals your phone and goes through your stuff. Idiot.
that's a great idea! cus I take my iPhone into the bathroom for music during my shower all the time
LOLOL. She can still get important calls regardless of her brother. stop being so jealous because nobody important calls you.
#120: um, I'm 20 years old and have an important job and important things that I do occasionally have to take care of. I just so happen to have a little brother who likes to snoop through my stuff, mainly my phone. so quit being rude and mean. if you can't be nice then geez, just shut up.
#120 What are you talking about? Anyone at any age can get there phone taken by there little brother. Duh. You don't even know anything about me, I'm an 18 year old with internships and colleges calling me all the time. I need my phone near me. Don't you feel stupid? Psst. And you called me an idiot.
#184 - before you mock someone for calling you an idiot, make sure your grammar and spelling are correct. For a 18 year old with "colleges calling you" all the time, I assume that you should have basic communication skills.
#186. Wow, someone's anal. 1. For your information I have great writing skills. I was in AP English for my last three years of high school. I was just so furious, I was typing too fast and wasn't paying attention. I did realize my mistake when I went back and read it though. Everyone makes mistakes. 2. Basic communication skills? Does my comment 'not' look like BASIC COMMUNICATION skills? Hmm. Do you even know what BASIC communication skills are? If you do, then I'm sure you realize YOUR mistake now.
3. What, exactly, is wrong with my GRAMMER? Are you talking about "duh", which expresses my annoyance with "idiot" people? Or was it "psst" which is a sound effect which is used in English all the time? Either way there is nothing wrong with my grammer thank you. Besides, FML is not a class, it's a website. I can use slang anytime I feel like it. I get enough of being ANAL at school, I don't feel like being so ANAL about every little word here.
you should really learn how to spell grammar, if your going to say you have good grammar.
Just wanted to point out that it is -highly- unlikely that you were in AP English for three years. After you successfully complete an AP class, you take an exam to get college credit for it. Then you can't take that AP class again. However, in response to the OP: I feel your pain. I learned the hard way to always purchase the extra insurence on my phones. :)
Actually at my high school. If you are smart then they keep you in AP, only for English though, so that you can be challenged. They have different levels of AP classes at my high school. They seperate it by grade level so that they are even harder for higher grade levels. You just don't have to take the AP test if you passed it the first time. It's kind of like honor classes.
Its fine if you say you're in honors classes, but that's not how AP classes work. In order for it to be considered "AP" you have to get credential from the state because it counts as a college credit and there is no way a college would give you credit for Freshman - Junior English classes. Don't take it the wrong way; I'm not trying to flame you, just stating a fact. (:
Actually, in order for a class to be considered "AP" you have to get approval from the CollegeBoard company. You submit a syllabus and they approve it, and then the course is considered AP. Whether or not a college accepts it as credit depends on individual colleges, not on the state. AP classes can be at any level, not just senior year. I'm a high school AP teacher, so I've got a good idea of how the system works. Don't take it the wrong way; I'm not trying to flame you, just stating a fact. (:
I take really hot showers and listen to music on my phone, after years of doing so I have never had any problems with my phones.
wow, that sucks.... I do the same thing, but my phone has never messed up from it. Sucks for you OP!
And yours doesn't exist
mines the best... it's like the don't smoke sign, but cooler
and mine is album artwork of a chick ripping her guts out. ftw.
and mine is a portion of my face... boring.
Just report it lost
What's OP?
I love txting in the shower, only when I'm not txting I put it in between the shower curtain and the plastic curtain :]
no she isn't, I do the same shit, it never messes up.
Really? is everyone so obsessed with typing little messages on their phones that they cant take a ten minute break? Not only are you then avoiding the risk of water damage, but your actually using the time to clean yourself! yay!
you only shower for ten minutes... your water bill must be magic.
We love steamy showers ;D
Cut the umbilical cord and step away from your phone for the 10 minutes you take a shower. Trust me, it will be ok.
hahahahahahahahhahahaha loves it!
dude seriously!
really what is up with these 10 minute showers...
I've taken my phone into the bathroom plenty of times when I went to take a shower. Though, my showers are generally no longer than ten minutes. I guess it really depends on how long your shower was.
Compressed air helps. Sometimes.

I take showers with my phone in the bathroom all the's fine
Yea, that really sucks... But if you were told not to put it in a high humidity place and you did, YDI. Sidenote: put it in rice for a day. Dries it out niiice :)