By LowOnGas - 02/05/2019 18:00

Today, I drove my toddler to a schoolmate’s birthday party at a Chuck E. Cheese an hour drive away, only to find out the party is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 655
You deserved it 1 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always pays to double check the date!

I hope you went in and let your kid train on the games. You don’t want him to make an ass of himself by sucking at the games. Plus, he could win maximum tickets!


Always pays to double check the date!

I hope you went in and let your kid train on the games. You don’t want him to make an ass of himself by sucking at the games. Plus, he could win maximum tickets!

Nah, he could play it off like he was training his kid to excel at Chuck E Cheese games.

Chuck E Cheese's suck anyway bring back Showbiz pizza now those where awesome places.

so you are low on gas, and fail to double-check the date to the party? and just took your kid? hopefully you stayed there for a while at least, hyping your kid up that the party is happening etc. Or were you just SO miserable that you needed to get rid of your kid for a few hours that you jumped the gun?