By shitty candles - 01/12/2014 07:30 - United States - Issaquah

Today, I dug out the 5 fancy, extremely expensive candles I bought during Black Friday. I lit one up, and was delighted that it smelled so great. My mother then walked into my room and stated that it smelled "like shit". The other four were going to be a Christmas gift for her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 591
You deserved it 3 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you buy extremely expensive candles anyway?

At least you got them on sale? Maybe try and return the other 4


so your mom is getting shitty smell candles for this Christmas

you bought 5 candles that have the same scent? and was going to give four of them to her? if they have different scents then this is a completely different story

ordinarygent 14

Why are expensive candles a thing? Sure they smell great but air febreze works just as well

scoobydoo75060 7

Just because you think they smell nice doesn't mean everyone else will. Return it.

Llama24 14

Now it can be like a joke, cause she doesn't like them, get them for her and it can be like an inside joke

Ok. So one of your gifts didn't work out. Wouldn't you rather know now so you can get her something else?

Perhaps someone used to ********** using the candle as a ***** and thats why it literally smells like feces!