By Username - 13/02/2012 21:31 - India
Same thing different taste
By SpontaneousAM - 15/04/2017 14:00 - United States - Pittsburgh
By Anonymous - 04/05/2009 20:28 - United States
By shiiiiit - 15/11/2009 09:23 - United States
I want to smell feet
By Anonymous - 16/08/2021 14:01
By S. Bauer - 02/11/2011 13:50 - Portugal
By Anonymous - 30/11/2011 03:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/06/2012 05:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/01/2015 16:40 - Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City
By Anonymous - 02/02/2017 19:00 - United States - Spearfish
By Anonymous - 31/07/2021 16:01 - United States
Top comments
Sounds lovely.
YDI for owning a lava lamp.
Smells even better, friend.
OP talks very dramatically.
Yeah, because being educated and having a standard lexicon is a bad thing.
I don't understand what 46 is saying. Why would he be looking in a thesaurus? What does that have to do with his son rebelling?
what a champion little kid!
117- He's saying that because apparently since OP uses "big words," that means he's using a thesaurus. What he failed to realize, however, is that some people have a vocabulary that possesses words longer than five letters.
Sounds like Stephen fry
I would have sworn that a "thesaurus" was a dinosaur. Boy, am I surprised! (Do people have to criticize others who use words that indicate that they have an education beyond that of a grammar school student?) |the kid|
It's like starbucks for zombies!
Or a mobster bakery
I know I love the scent. I ran out earlier I need to buy some more.
People are always talking about the spice of life. The spice of death finally gets an honorable mention. |the kid|
Damn kick his dumbass out of your house. He cant treat you like that.
Damn, kick his dumb ass out of your house. He can't treat you like that. Sorry, couldn't resist the irony.
I wondering he is single, lol
her son... why how does it matter if he's single?
What if her son is 9 or 10? What then, dumbass? Still gonna stick your kid to the curb?
Why would a 10 year old be a misanthrope (person who hates the human race) and malcontent (likes to rebel)?
I wondering you are an idiot, lol
#105 I wondering you speak English.
3, She raised him and therefore bears the responsibility for his behaviour. If she wanted a well behaved son it would have required more effort on her part, or the realisation that kids can be a pain in the ass.
Just show him the back of your hand.
Very descriptive, and FYL
Any FML with the phrase "misanthropic malcontent" is win.
So many big words
At least OP has a chance for a hobby of creative writing. And also, beat that child. Simple enough.
That's a good combo, it should be a perfume.
Excellent idea!
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayMine smells like that too after my friend tried to do the cinnamon challenge...
I put YDI just for putting "misanthropic malcontent" just to sound more mature. In all seriousness, you haven't said what he was rebelling against. For all we know you could have just told him that you will be taking all his wages from his job, or you're selling all his property on ebay, or any number of other unreasonable actions. rebellion doesnt have to mean it isn't justified.
Anyone else think #7 is using a misanthropic malcontent's argument to try to sound more mature?
#7, You putting "YDI" because OP used really big words you don't understand means you should go back to school. Luckly, A_TEEN's gulag of torture...I..I-I-I I mean A_TEEN's happy fun education center for adults is open. Join now for free education. :)
#7 do us all a favor and shut the **** up. Selling property? Really? Just stop talking.
7- Good argument, but I doubt that's the situation... 66- a gulag is a Russian POW camp and isn't a hard word to know, the fact that you consider it a challenge, or an accomplishment to know tells me that you yourself don't have a very broad vocabulary and should probably stop talking.
You see #7, some of us have a vocabulary larger than eighth grade, and are able to read. It's called comprehension, and I presume you'll learn about it when you get halfway through elementary school. By 'rebelling' she probably meant he just wanted to boycott parenting in general. It's ridiculous what teenagers do to fit in.
Thats febreeze's new smell: the new cinnamon & corpse!
I'd buy that.
Pshyco child...You might want to fix that.
Maybe he isn't being himself because he is hungry. Give him a Snickers, that should fix the child... If that doesn't work, put a shock collar on him and shock him when he does something naughty. Over time he will learn to behave.
Yeah, that "pshyco" child is "defiantly" "wierd." It should be a law. If there is a word you use a terrible lot, then you are obligated to know how to spell it. |the kid|
Didnt you think what she might have done to invoke such a terrible vengeance??????

Cinnamon and corpse! Aaah! The wonderful scent! My favorite! :)
Sounds lovely.