By Blondegirl - 07/11/2009 12:55 - United States

Today, I dyed my hair blonde for my boyfriend, hoping it would help spice up our sex life. His response? It's still a few shades off from his favorite porn star. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 873
You deserved it 5 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he is comparing you to a **** star, he isn't worth his weight in warm spit. Dump him and find someone who sees you as a person before anything else.

Yeah my ex boyfriend wanted me to dye my hair blonde and he was a jackass. I suspect it's the same with this guy. Nothing you do will ever be quite good enough.


YDI for not being as hawt as s pornstar.

Pornstars aren't actually pretty sometimes - it may just be the whole shitload of makeup

#12 The FML only mentions here colour hair and nothing else about her looks. So you have no clue whether or not she is "as 'hot' as a pornstar". The lack of logic you show is making me cringe. I'll assume you're a frustrated edgy teen and just blurted something stupid in order to get attention you didn't get from your parents.

kravitzz1990 0

ur an idiot and hes an assh*le!!!

People need to stop putting questions as the second last sentence. It's starting to get annoying as hell.

Don't change your appearance JUST because someone else wants you to. I hope you at least dyed your hair because you wanted to, too.

um. your boyfriend is a loser. but so are you for dying your hair.

Soooo???? So what if his favorite **** star's hair is different. It's not like u were trying to look like her, right? I hope not. U are U hon! Make new fantasies with him :):);) U shouldn't have to, nor want to compete with something that isn't real. Make sense?