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By lifestinks - 05/04/2009 04:17 - Canada

Today, when my boyfriend reffered to my hair, I told him I was going to dye it. He responded by saying, "finally, so how much you going for, 40, maybe 50 pounds?". I said dye it, not diet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 057
You deserved it 9 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TryToBeKind 0

That's when you respond with, "Actually, I meant dye-it, as in my hair. But you're right, I DO need to lose weight - about 250* lbs of it. In other words: it's over. Get.out." *or whatever boyfriend's weight is

actonthat 0

I can't stand that people act like she's committed some horrible sin for not being a size 2. If it's easy for all of you to be skinny, that's really awesome, but for some of us it's a real struggle. I've been fighting to stay a size 8 since I was in my early teens, because I just lost the genetic lottery and got a sucky metabolism. I don't stuff my face (I actually also have IBS, so I can't eat very greasy or rich things), and I'm very sensitive about because I can't stand when I'm feeling down about my weight and people act like I've made some conscious decision to not be a stick. That's not how it works. So shut the **** up. And OP, this guy is an ass, dump him. I'm lucky enough to have a cute boyfriend who doesn't like women with the physique of small boys. The one really awesome thing about not being a size 2: I have boobs. :D


TryToBeKind 0

That's when you respond with, "Actually, I meant dye-it, as in my hair. But you're right, I DO need to lose weight - about 250* lbs of it. In other words: it's over. Get.out." *or whatever boyfriend's weight is

i faved this FML just because of this comment. EPIC WIN!

pen_island21 0

I miss back when first comments on FMLs could be clever like this. There are now too many people fighting to be "first" for that to happen much.

ouch, thats mean. even if you did say diet, he should accept you, not recomended a goal for you.

Uuuuuhhhh I'm gonna assume that she sighs around 190 lbs in which 40-50lbs would be a good gal. If this is correct, then her boyriend isn't a bad person for wanting her to be healthy.

kwbuzz23wk 0

maybe you should take that as a hint... but i would dump him for being an ass although... feel happy he is not just dating you for looks. if your fat, and he is still dating you, maybe you should be happy he likes you for you.

AntiChrist7 0

or you are fat, or you have a boyfriend who doesn't accept you as you are.

#5: or she is fat and has a boyfriend who accepts her for who she is. Or is witty.

Cookie_kaioo 0

Tell him if I need a diet, you need to work it.. and give him a good guide book similar to E Y Dallas's one: !! LooooL :p

this is what happens when you're overweight. Im putting YDI since you probably stuff your face to actually get insulted by your bf about your size.

Agree with #8 It's not an FYL when people call you out on being fat, it's a wake-up call.

He might have misunderstood you, correct him. Just to get something off my chest, why is it that you men go for skinny women with small ass's, legs for days and big boobs? (no offense ladies) Can a man out there please answer me that, truthfuly. I thought all women fat or thin could satisfy your needs, you make it sound like fat women can't do anything right except stuff food down our throats. Can someone tell me if there are men out there that don't go for looks, that will go for a womans personality?

there are men out there who go for bigger women or pansexuals whom just are interested in a person's personality. however, in general in the average Joe prefers fit women over bigger ladies because the media and cues from growing up taught them that skinny women are beautiful. however, I too am in the category even though I'm asexual. I find fit girls on average more beautiful than big girls. with that said big girls can have cute faces just a slightly subpar body type of my preference. side note fit girls don't always not have an ass. a lot of fit girls have got nice ones.