By Blondegirl - 07/11/2009 12:55 - United States

Today, I dyed my hair blonde for my boyfriend, hoping it would help spice up our sex life. His response? It's still a few shades off from his favorite porn star. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 873
You deserved it 5 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he is comparing you to a **** star, he isn't worth his weight in warm spit. Dump him and find someone who sees you as a person before anything else.

Yeah my ex boyfriend wanted me to dye my hair blonde and he was a jackass. I suspect it's the same with this guy. Nothing you do will ever be quite good enough.


Jarlais 0

loves how every relationship fml's response is always dump him/her. if people dumped eachother over minuscule things like this, there would be NO relationships at all...

Guys who have a favorite pornstar are secretly gay. Unless you're rich or amazingly well rounded, you'll just have to watch

hah I did that dumbest thing ever !! u deserved it!!!

no way #26 there is nothing wrong with cranking out knuckle children to your favorite **** star. if they were secretly gay then they would have gay ****

bikeduster 0

Yea I hate to tell ya ma"am but I don't think your boyfriend really cares about you personally, i think he just wants to be with you for the sex. Think about it, someone wouldn't want you to look like they want, they would want you to look how you wanted to look. Then again this is coming from a 16 yr old with an IQ or 200. well have fun with that problem you have.

Elksy 0

It doesn't sound like he respects you if he wants you to change just to resemble a chick from his sexual fantasies.

minenotyours 0

hahaha! become his new favorite **** star ;)

xFuckThisLife 0

Who cares what your hair color is? He should worry about your personalities! The way you look shouldn't matter to him. Plus, it's your choice on what you want to look like. And he should love you for who you are!