By LoveBytes - 27/03/2012 21:29 - Canada - Victoria

Today, I emailed my crush an anonymous love letter. It wasn't until twenty minutes later that I realized that the email address I used contained my full name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 674
You deserved it 44 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ByronJess 17

And that's why you don't send love letters like a creeper.

ksjones2 5

Thats why you write love 'letters' not love 'emails'


Sorry OP, yep, ydi. :p However, there is positive side to this, perhaps: "Double or Nothing": Own it. Don't give away that you forgot it included your name, act like it was deliberate, and maybe if you're incredibly lucky, displaying that level of guts will impress your crush with your honesty! (I suspect you've already creeped the hell out of him/her if they don't actually know you and come off as a nut-bunny, but no harm in pretending it was intentional at this point, you're already screwed!) Here's to hoping. Good luck, OP! (You still deserve it though.) ;)

mycala14 0

Thats why you write love "Letters" and not love "E-mails"

Well, you're crush knows. Maybe the person is crushing back, or will want to get to know you better now that he/she knows you like them. Embarrassing, yes, but could turn out good. And if they don't like you back, at least know you were brave enough to send the email. I was finally brave enough to call my HS crush and ask him out. I was in "love" w/ that guy at first sight since 7th grade. He said no. But I was proud that I was brave enough to do it. Lol now many moons later, I'm proud that I went skydiving. My how priorities change as you get older Hahaaa

hanah5 6

Pretty much EVERYONE in the real world. Are you 12?

Good you got reply earlier than expected.

I think subconsciously you knew what you were doing....hey at least you will know. On the other hand, if the letter said something like "i know you don't know me but i have been in love with you forever"....that's easy to play off that it wasn't you. just say to your crush "im sorry, that was a friend being dumb. i wouldn't be so stupid as to send an anonymous email from an address that's clearly mine".......but hopefully this person loves you also and you live happily ever after and have a great story to tell your future kids.

If it doesn't work, claim you left your email logged in and it was a prank by a friend.

lovebeecharmer 6

Tell us how it went. Or I guess we'll see an FML if it doesn't go well. Nothing wrong with speaking with your heart, he may secretly admire your courage.