By LoveBytes - 27/03/2012 21:29 - Canada - Victoria

Today, I emailed my crush an anonymous love letter. It wasn't until twenty minutes later that I realized that the email address I used contained my full name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 674
You deserved it 44 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ByronJess 17

And that's why you don't send love letters like a creeper.

ksjones2 5

Thats why you write love 'letters' not love 'emails'


Good. It's time you stopped being so passive aggressive and actually made a move. YDI

Hey she could be blonde,then that won't be an issue right

Wow what an idiot no offense but pay more attention

Maybe instead of acting like a Creep you should actually talk to him/ her. How old are you 8?... Love letters?

I've said it before and I'll say it again- if you're an adult and still insist on using the term "crush" to describe the person you like, YDI. Why? because it makes you sound like all you read is Seventeen and Cosmo Girl and that's not attractive. If OP isn't an adult still, YDI.

Out of curiosity, what term are you supposed to use? I thought "crush" was a perfectly short word to use for the person that one is infatuated with, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, or future actions.

Either talk to him/her in person, or cease all communication with him/her.

Epiqness 0

Same thing happened with me, but it was a voicemail.