By LoveBytes - 27/03/2012 21:29 - Canada - Victoria

Today, I emailed my crush an anonymous love letter. It wasn't until twenty minutes later that I realized that the email address I used contained my full name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 674
You deserved it 44 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ByronJess 17

And that's why you don't send love letters like a creeper.

ksjones2 5

Thats why you write love 'letters' not love 'emails'


Or just claim that ur account was hacked… isn't that the standard BS?

Guess it's not so anonymous now, but look on the bright side...your crush now knows how you feel about her and you're able to finally let out your feelings. Heck, it's better than hiding it from her and sending an anonymous e-mail.

30-OP should respond with, "This is not the (insert OP's name here) you are looking for." Jedi mind tricks always work on people. I haven't mastered the skill, so I wouldn't know, but I've heard great things about those who possess the force.

Luckily OP's not in Anonymous, because he/she is not very good at being anonymous online. Ya get it? Nah. Okay, I'll stop trying.

aaahhhfire21 0

30- I think that would make it pretty obvious and ruin any chance op has of the letter having a positive effect

linkinpark98 23

Hah! Should have double-checked.

Maybe he/she will find it funny and go out with you? Who knows.